Britain May Fulfill Nostradamus Prophecy With Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Nostradamus warned about a Third World War in which an Antichrist would lead the Islamic world in a horrible war against the "Christian" West. The West includes Western Europe and eventually America - though America is apparently preoccupied with other problems and unable to help Europe at first. WWIII would be the final and most horrific stage of a gradually escalating conflict that intensifies slowly over 27 years, according to Nostradamus. Early on, problems in France and the rest of Europe center on terrorism and mass immigration - to which the French were predicted to show "apathy," "neglect" and "negligence" - not preparing for the military confrontation to follow, presumably in the aftermath of an economic catastrophe. I have long speculated that the 27 year conflict may have officially started September 11, 2001 and may end with the end of WWIII sometime around the second half of 2028.
One quatrain in particular (10:66) may be warning us that such events are getting close:
The chief of London through the realm of America, The Isle of Scotland will be tried by frost: King and Reb will face an Antichrist so false, That he will place them in the conflict all together.

Boris Johnson was the Chief (Mayor) of London, and he was born in America and still has dual citizenship, and it looks like he will be the next Prime Minister of Great Britain. It seems Nostradamus is suggesting that Boris Johnson will be the British Prime Minister during WWIII, and that Britain and America will end up on the same side.

Update from April 7, 2020 - Boris Johnson is in intensive care with symptoms of coronavirus. His odds of being Prime Minister to lead Britain during WWIII in a few years seem pretty slim at the moment. But Nostradamus describes a chief of London through the realm of America - a title that fits him like no other, giving his birth in New York. Either he pulls through soon or my interpretation of that line, in applying it to Johnson - will soon prove wrong if he dies.
BTW, I don't ask for donations to fund this site as some think I should - but I do
sell books I've written about prophecy - from Nostradamus' description of WWIII (ending in late 2028) to the Antichrist and the end times (for years I said a form of divine judgment would come between December 21-28, 2019 - when did COVID-19 start?) to the final event - the coming POLE SHIFT that will make a new heavens and a new earth.