Aftershock: The Ancient Cataclysm That Erased Human History
My readers know I think the evidence points to a cycle of catastrophic pole shifts, the last of which knocked out an advanced human civilization about 12,000+ years ago.
Brien Foerster presents his evidence in this book and video:
Aftershock: The Ancient Cataclysm That Erased Human History
As he says on the Amazon page for his book: "Scientific evidence now supports the idea that our planet was devastated by an enormous cataclysm about 12,000 years ago. This event, or series of events not only wiped out much of humanity and thus history, but also any advanced civilizations which existed at and before that time, including what some people call "Atlantis." The only remains that we have of the existence of such civilizations are megalithic works in such places as Egypt, Peru, Bolivia and Lebanon. This book not only maps out what this cataclysm could have been, but also those that created the magnificent stone works that guide us to the conclusion that others, in the distant past, were more technologically advanced than we are today."
If you're interested in evidence of an early civilization, that is the focus of Aftershock

If you're more interested in evidence of pole shifts, read