Algeria on the Brink of Civil War? Millions of Migrants Will Go to France just had an interesting article about a political crisis in Algeria as the people realize their long-reigning dictator, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, will not hold on to power forever. He is 82 years old and has had a stroke. No one knows for sure what will replace him or if the country will fall into civil war as the Islamists and the Army and any other faction battle for power. The economy is in bad shape; 97% of exports are oil and gas - and although oil averaged about $100/barrel from 2010-2014, ever since it has averaged about $50/barrel. Government revenue has collapsed and the effect on the population is extreme. If battle comes to Algeria, a huge new wave of Islamic immigrants will come to France.
France conquered Algeria in 1830, but Algeria was not treated like a foreign colony the way Madagascar or Haiti were always viewed. "After surviving several assassination attempts by French partisans of Algérie Française , Charles de Gaulle in March 1962 signed a peace agreement ending French sovereignty over Algeria. The war for Algerian independence had been long and vicious, marked by terrorism and torture. Everyone who mattered in French politics believed in 1954 that Algeria was an integral part of France, to be defended at all cost. But by 1962, their view had changed." And the first waves of Algerian immigrants to France, now numbering around 3 million, began to arrive in the wake of political change. Many more will arrive if Algeria has a civil war or an Islamic Revolution.

"If Algeria were to collapse into chaos, France would be destabilized as well. The civil war resulted in a huge migration surge; this time it would be larger.Among the migrants would be a large number of Islamists, and illegal immigration would mean the French couldn't control everyone who would come. And France, at least some quarters, is already an Islamic Republic in embryo."
Anyone who doesn't want France to become an Islamic Republic should be very concerned, because the French don't know how to stop that from happening.
"Everyone paying attention in France, except perhaps for Islamist militants, fears deeply the prospect of destabilization or unrest in Algeria."
"Macron recognizes that Algeria could become the iceberg that drowns his presidency."
"All the ingredients that led to civil war in the early 1990s are present in Algeria today: a major economic crisis, the corrupt FLN, Islamic leaders still preaching over corruption, and tribal identity-related tensions."Â (Is a new civil war looming over Algeria?)
"Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ahmed Gaid Salah spoke at a military school outside Algiers as hundreds of students marched in the capital to oppose President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's decision to seek a fifth term. In his first comments on the protests that started last month, Salah recalled the bleak period in the 1990s when fighting between Islamic insurgents and Algeria's security forces left 200,000 dead." If a new civil war broke out again today it could be even worse.
"President Emmanuel Macron's government last week recalled its ambassador for consultations."
Perhaps they should consult France's most famous prophet: Nostradamus very clearly warned us almost 500 years ago that France (and most of Western Europe) would be invaded not just by Muslim immigrants but their armies as well - in the early 21st century. The conflict between the forces of Islam and Christianity was predicted to gradually get worse and worse until escalating into another world war which would end 27 years after the crisis started. If September 11, 2001 is the start date, then WWIII should be over by the end of 2028. If Nostradamus is correct, a lot will happen in the next nine years. None of it bodes well for France.