Another French Election
Five years ago, during a previous French election with the same two front runners, I wrote:
France will maintain status quo, fail to elect Le Pen or save their nation
"Marine Le Pen managed to come in second in France’s general election, which means that along with the front-runner (Macron) she will advance to the final round in two weeks. But then she will lose the French runoff election, because Immanuel Macron is a banker, and a Socialist – and although bankers and Socialists will continue to destroy France, most of the French would rather take more of the poison they know than risk being considered racist or Nazi by doing anything to save France from their own multicultural, open-borders negligence." As expected, Macron won in 2017.
Some say this time is different. Some say the French people are tired of globalism, mass immigration, multiculturalism, and no-go zones where police and firefighters dare not set foot. "Former French intelligence chief Pierre Brochand warns that unless Europe and France radically change their policies on mass immigration, civil war could break out, asserting, “all multicultural societies are doomed.” The ex-intel chief predicts that if Emmanuel Macron wins the presidential election and fails to massively alter his approach to immigration, civil war could ensue. “This gradual upheaval of the French population, if not the only challenge we face, is the only one that directly threatens civil peace on our territory,” said Brochand, warning that Muslim migrants and others from outside of Europe have developed a “spirit of post-colonial revenge.”
Almost 500 years ago, the French prophet Nostradamus warned in approximately 60 of his roughly 1000 prophecies – France just before WWIII will suffer “apathy,” “negligence” and “neglect” in its self-defense and will allow itself to be overcome by an invasion from the Middle East and North Africa. It will be slow and gradual, like the proverbial frog in a pot that never jumps out of the increasingly hot water until it gets boiled. Nostradamus says the problems will gradually intensify over 27 years (2001-2028?) ending in a horrific third world war.
For example, consider the “French” rapper, Nick Conrad. If the races were reversed, the “artist” would be in jail and all of his videos would be banned. Instead, this insane double standard of political correctness is just another example of the imminent destruction of France and Western Europe in general. In one video he strangles a white woman symbolizing the country of France, while singing, “I fuck France, I burn France.” Nick Conrad’s newer song “Doux Pays (Sweet Country)” contains such lyrics as “Cock in France’s mouth, I cum like a pig” and portrays the rapper murdering a white woman wearing Christian jewelry at the end of the accompanying video, before driving off and leaving her.” A previous song by the rapper contained lyrics such as: “I enter day care centres and kill white babies. Catch them quickly and hang their parents. Spread them apart to pass the time, to entertain black children of all ages young and old.” In the accompanying video, Conrad is shown kidnapping, torturing, and hanging a white man. Conrad attempted to defend his “kill white babies” lyrics ...saying that “this piece is deeper than it seems” and “I can not deny what I wrote, it touches racism, it’s the beauty of this piece, it’s still art”.
I propose that allowing such art is an example of national suicide.
The candidate who was most vocal about the problems of mass immigration, Eric Zemmour, just came in fourth in yesterday's French run-off election. Zemmour has expressed the view that the French nation state has been in a state of decline since the 1970s, which he has attributed to the rise of immigration, feminism, left-wing politics and the erosion of traditional values. He presented these views at length in his 2014 book The French Suicide. His book sold 500,000 copies in 2014, but didn't win him the election yesterday. It's hardly a surprise - if indeed Nostradamus did see the future centuries ago then only apathy, negligence and neglect will define French politics.
Le Pen and Macron will face off again in a few weeks in the final round of yet another French election. One represents the native people of France, and the other is a traitor who represents globalists and Rothschild bankers. I wonder who will win. I'm guessing, the native French response will be: apathy until there is an Islamic army approaching the gates of Paris.
If you want to learn more about Nostradamus' prophecies on these topics, click here.
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