Another Writer Suggests: POLE SHIFT - Move Onto the Highest Mountains
My blog readers are already well aware of my book:
Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced
But today I want to focus on Dr. Janet Starr Hull, someone we should encourage to keep working on her book:
Move Onto The Highest Mountains
from "Earthquakes and volcanoes, bizarre temperature changes, mammoth tornadoes, unexpected hurricanes, and record floods: these major Earth events have been relatively quiet throughout our history, but our planet is “waking up” today and more Earth activity and natural disasters are on the horizon.... We have been too busy trying to survive to notice that the planet Earth is making big changes, and these changes will affect us all.
An Unstable Axis
The Earth’s rotation on its axis has become increasingly unstable, and the rise in storms, unseasonable weather, powerful earthquakes and volcanoes are increasing, and are literally popping out of nowhere because our planet is shifting on its axis – the North Pole is changing its direction toward the Sun.
This shift will affect everyone around the globe, and that means you and me.
Move Onto The Highest Mountains is a book about the past, present and future of the planet that we call home; its a big undertaking trying to introduce such a theory within a mere, few hundred pages, but it brings to light one of the most important concepts in modern time.
This is a true story using geology as the tool to introduce a higher human awareness. The Earth is evolving, but so are we.
One helps the other understand where we have come, where we are today, where we are heading tomorrow, and why we must be aware of the Earth’s very powerful dynamics that literally determine our survival.
By rewinding a very ancient geologic clock, we can look back in time to better understand what is happening to the Earth today. By connecting the many Earth changes today with the same events that happened millions of years ago, we can better determine how our future – everyone’s future – fits into the greater plan.
“Water is a purifying agent, cleansing all that is impure. One day, water will cover the Earth, killing many things. This will happen one day soon, so we must move onto the highest mountains to survive.” – Ancient American Indians, written in 540 A.D.
Janet Starr Hull, PhD, CN has expressed a deep love and respect for the Earth since she was a very young child. She earned academic degrees in International Geography and Environmental Science. After 20 years of research, Dr. Hull uncovered evidence supporting her theory that the Earth’s geographic poles shift at the axis, causing dramatic climate change.
But I can't find her book anywhere! Let's encourage her to self-publish the book she mentions above or do something to make it widely available and easy to find.
Check out her blog and comment! Let her know you understand that a pole shift is about to happen, and you want to learn more.