Brink Of War? Pakistan On High Alert, Indian Military Ready To Strike

As noted at "Tensions between the two countries soared when a deadly suicide bomb attack allegedly claimed by Pakistan-based Jaish-e Mohammad struck a convoy of Indian troops in Pulwama on February 14."
The risk of a large war, even a nuclear war, starting anywhere on Earth - currently seem highest at the border of India and Pakistan. Jaish is just one of many non-state, deniable terrorist proxies used by Islamic nations to wage low-level wars, like Iran uses Hezbollah against Israel. (FWIW, Nostradamus said when WWIII comes it will involve an Islamic alliance against Israel, Christian Europe, and India.)

Indian Prime Minister "Modi reportedly told military chiefs to minimize collateral damage, and only use surgical strikes in the upcoming fight.Â
Here are the four critical takeaways from the meeting:
The attacks will be target-specific
No non-military targets
Not only Pak-occupied Kashmir, the targets can also be inside Pakistan
The attacks will be pro-active, not reactive"