Can Anyone Still Respect Europe?
Bunkerville had a post recently titled:
Why it is difficult to respect Europeans
The article points out German and general European apathy and submission to Islam. Native Europeans couple a lack of respect for their own cultures with low birthrates, (Finland, a first-rate place in which to be a mother, has registered the lowest number of newborns in nearly 150 years - since the Great Famine of 1866-1868) and high Islamic immigration. As the video below (from 2009) suggests, Europe will be a Muslim continent in another generation.
Most Europeans don't seem to care if Western culture or Europe as we knew it dies with a whimper... But as bleak as Nostradamus' visions of a Third World War (between Islam and the West) are, I prefer a war in which Europe defends itself - before it is too late - to the proverbial frog boiling in the pot until it slowly dies, as portrayed in Douglas Murray's book: The Strange Death of Europe.