Could a Binary Companion Star explain Cosmic Cycles, World Ages, Precession, and Pole Shifts?
Ancient writers spoke of cycles of the ages. The Greeks told us about ages of gold, silver, bronze, and dark ages in a long cycle called the Great Year - lasting at least 24,000 years. Plato broke it down into two half cycles of 12,920 years - 12,920 was his "nuptial number" which he claimed was a cycle culminating in the wedding of heaven and earth. (This may be closely related to the Christian concept of Christ coming for His bride - which seems to play out astronomically in December 2019.) Since evidence suggests that the end of the last "ice age" - the Pleistocene Extinction - and the last pole shift all coincided approximately 12,900 years ago, we might be due for another catastrophic cosmic interaction of forces that lead to another pole shift and the end of one "ice age" in Antarctica and Greenland, with the start of another "ice age" at the next poles...
Chinese thought focused on yin and yang, alternating pairs of opposites that fit well with

hermetic teachings.... India has its cycle of Yugas, currently in the Kali Yuga, broken down into stages of ten periods in ratios of 1, 2, 3, and 4 adding to ten tenths of the whole cycle... Earth's axis wobbles like a spinning top, in a long cycle of almost 26,000 years known as the precession of the equinoxes. As an explanation for this wobble, some

suggest that it is natural for any gyroscope or other spinning object like a planet to wobble when it is spinning within a much larger spinning system that exerts additional forces on its spin. A top wobbles because the Earth spins beneath it; the Earth wobbles because it orbits the sun, and the sun orbits the galactic center... Others suggest the imperfect roundness of the Earth - the equatorial bulge - is the primary cause of the wobble. Most astrophysicists go with the luni-solar theory - that the precessional wobble is largely caused a complex gravitational interaction between solar and lunar cycles...
I have also accepted Dr. Paul LaViolette's theory as explained in Earth Under Fire: that the black hole at our galactic center becomes active and spews out matter and energy every half precession cycle - with a gravitational wave nudging Earth's wobble twice every precession cycle like a parent pushing a spinning merry-go-round every half rotation.  In my books on end of the world prophecies and pole shifts I have emphasized this possibility as a likely trigger for Earth's long cycle of catastrophic pole shifts.
But others point out that around 80% of all star systems are binary systems with two stars - and have offered the theory that even our sun has a binary companion

- another star acting as its celestial dance partner, with both orbiting their shared center of gravity over a long cycle of about 26,000 years - which would explain our cycle of precession. Some suggest names like Nemesis (maybe 1-2 light years away, with a 27 million year orbit explaining certain mass extinctions) and Nibiru, (often suggested to have an orbit of about 3,600 years) and that ancient civilizations understood the long cycles of periodic destruction caused by such a cosmic body orbiting our sun so far away that it either hasn't been detectable for most of history - or that governments now know all too well and are hiding the truth from us to avoid mass panic.
Another twist on this theory is that the brightest star in our sky - Sirius - is actually our sun's binary companion. This theory suggests that Sirius is not 8.6 light years away, but only a few "light weeks" away. Having failed to determine that we are in a shared orbit with Sirius around a common center of gravity, (some would say) early astronomers misinterpreted the apparent motion of Sirius and misjudged its distance. A conspiracy to hide this from us makes sure the official view on its distance is never questioned.
Walter Cruttenden promotes a similar idea in his book: Lost Star of Myth and Time. At his web site promoting the book he says he: "Is an amateur theoretical archaeo-astronomer and author of the binary theory of precession. As Executive Director of the Binary Research Institute he researches the celestial mechanics of the precession of the equinox, as well as myth and folklore related to this phenomenon. He is the writer-producer of The Great Year, a PBS broadcast documentary film (narrated by James Earl Jones) that explores evidence of astronomical cycles of time known to cultures throughout the ancient world." A shortened version of this video embedded below offers more than enough information to make us realize that the possibility of a binary companion for our sun does explain many scientific observations.
Most comets come from a small region of the sky as if nudged out of stable orbits by a rogue planet or star not yet discovered. The Kupier belt of asteroids at the outer edge of our solar system ends very abruptly, as if another large body gravitationally sweeps away anything beyond a certain distance from our sun.  The sun seems to lack the expected angular momentum shared by everything else in our solar system, but this assumes it is not rotating in a huge orbit with another star - if we consider that possibility, the appropriate and expected angular momentum could be corrected. And some outside force, or combination of them, does affect the Earth's axial wobble and cause a long cycle of precession. A binary partner to our sun could exist despite the fact that we haven't officially seen it or had NASA confirm its existence yet. (Some assume NASA hides many truths from us, and conspiracy theories on alien contact, advanced technology/Area 51, faked moon landings, archeological evidence on Mars, flat Earth, Planet X/Nibiru, and binary companions abound...)
This all sounds pretty impressive - but does Cruttenden actually come out and say that Sirius is our binary companion? Reader reviews on Amazon are very favorable towards his Lost Star of Myth and Time book, but one review clarifies that Cruttenden: "Introduces the hypothesis that our sun is being influenced upon by some sort of extrasolar object, more than likely Sirius. The author doesn't conclusively say that Sirius is the culprit, but ancient attention to the star" suggests it may affect humanity beyond merely being the brightest star in the sky.
Some data supports this conspiracy theory.
Earth has a slightly elliptical (not perfectly round) orbit around our sun and is closest to the sun approximately January 3 every year. (Perihelion varies slightly on our calendar, usually no earlier than January 2 or later than January 5.) Apehelion, when we are farthest from the sun, generally falls between July 3 and July 6. "Every year on July 4 from our Earth's position, our Sun is in conjunction with Sirius." If Sirius did exert a noticeable gravitational pull on the Earth, common sense would suggest the opposite - that we would be closest to the sun when Sirius pulls in the same direction. But the reality is that the force of gravity seems to be conveyed by muon neutrinos (gravitons) which are scattered by the intense heat of the solar corona (2 million degrees.) The gravitational tug anything (Sirius, Jupiter, etc.) exerts on the Earth is cancelled out when passing through the corona; so Sirius' pull on us would be weakest when behind the solar corona. Apehelion on July 4, when Sirius typically conjuncts the sun, would be the expected result. But this timing could be coincidence, just like the signing of America's Declaration of Independence on the same date.
The Binary Research Institute suggests such things are not a coincidence. They ask: "Why Does Sirius Move in the Opposite Direction to Precession? Why Does the Rate of Sirius Motion Almost Exactly Cancel Precession?" They offer charts showing deviation from expected precession measurements

and conclude: "These observations clearly indicate that the so-called ‘precession of the earth’ is NOT a scientific fact, and that the Sirius system has a noticeable gravitational influence on our solar system." While I don't see why Sirius would exert any measurable influence over such tiny time scales if we are locked in a 24,000 year cycle with it... maybe I just don't understand the data.
One question I tend to ask about the cosmic significance of anything - what did our ancient ancestors have to say about it?
In ancient Egypt, Sirius was the astronomical representation of the goddess Isis, herself the wife/companion of the highest god, Osiris. The Osiris myth is complex and evolved over thousands of years. If Osiris was the god of life, death, fertility, agriculture, resurrection, and many other things - including being the father of the sun-god Horus, who replaced his father as ruler and avenged him after his death - perhaps we should view Osiris as the sun during the previous world age - in the same sense that Native Americans like the Maya or the Hopi suggest that our current civilization or world age is "the fifth sun." Osiris or any other highest God of the Egyptians, depending on the age, symbolized the sun, and his companion Isis symbolized the star Sirius. This could also hint that Sirius was known to be the sun's companion star.
If Sirius does move around our sky once every Great Year, it is also worth considering the possibility that the Great Pyramid's use of a King's Chamber and "air shafts" pointing to the belt stars of Orion (definitely representing Osiris) and a Queen's chamber (Isis/Sirius) could be a major clue to an alignment when Sirius is in position with Orion

once per Great Year, a marker in time when another cataclysmic, cycle-ending pole shift is due... Maybe Osiris and his bride correspond to Vishnu and his bride and Jesus taking His bride and all of them correspond to Plato's nuptial number of years between heavenly weddings a.k.a. new heaven and new earth a.k.a. POLE SHIFT
The heliacal rising of Sirius and the annual flooding of the Nile River in Ancient Egypt both happened at the beginning of summer and the sight of Sirius just before sunrise was believed to herald the flooding. In Babylonia, Sirius was "The Arrow" at the tip of the bow constellation, rising as if to point out the sun's highest rise above the horizon on the longest days of the year. To the ancient Greeks, this bright star in the constellation Canis Major (the big dog) coincided with the hottest "dog days" of summer. In Masonic lodges one of the first important symbols was the Blazing Star, sometimes attributed to Sirius, though more often to the sun. Are these coincidences, or ancient hints at a more meaningful link between Sirius and our sun? If ancient wise men did know of such a link or relationship between the two - why was it emphasized by the Egyptians, but not by the astronomers of China, India, Babylonia, or Mexico?
I also find it interesting that in Dr. LaViolette's theory, the galactic center plays a key role, and out sun seems to reach conjunction/alignment with it at the winter solstice around December 21, while Sirius seems to be in conjunction with the sun near the start of summer, almost (but not quite) exactly at the opposite side of orbit in early July.
There is definitely some evidence leading people to believe Sirius or some other yet undiscovered star is our sun's binary companion, responsible for everything from flooding to pole shifts. I still put more weight on outbursts from our galactic center's active phases triggering pole shifts, and remain unconvinced that our sun has any binary companion. There is some evidence that the Dogon tribe in Africa (Mali) knew that Sirius was not a single star but had companions (Sirius B, and Sirius C.) I personally think the evidence of Dogon knowledge of Sirius is thin and not convincing. Even if they did know this... they mention no special connection to us as a binary companion of our sun.
On Graham Hancock's web site, someone [R. Avery Wilson] discounts the theory that Sirius could be a binary companion to our sun. On GH's web site we can read Cruttenden's claim that:
"Sirius seems to be stable relative to earth coordinates as it races across the sky relative to other stars. The Homann’s of Canada have come to the same conclusion and so have we at the Binary Research Institute, quite independently. One explanation is that our Sun might be a companion star to Sirius, gravitationally bound within the same binary reference frame. In this binary model the observable of precession is due to the motion of the solar system rather than just local forces."
R.A.W. replied: "The BRI is quite in error with their ideas. I am somewhat surprised you re-state such things, apparently having fully disregarded our previous conversation."Â [Graham Hancock himself merely suggests he would want to see more evidence.]
here: []
R.A.W. continues: "Basic physics proves the notion is wrong which is has been explained to you. But neither you nor the folks at BRI seem to care."
It would seem that Sirius has huge proper motion, and has noticeably moved from one side of the Milky Way to the other over the last 70,000 years. That the ancients knew of and described this motion is amazing in itself. It means they could have used Sirius' motion to warn us of a future pole shift event (as Creighton and Osborn argue in The Giza Prophecy) when Sirius reaches a certain position with Orion, even if it is just once and not cyclic, as Cruttenden would seem to argue. For the moment, I am not convinced that our sun has a binary companion.
But if strong proof of a binary companion ever does convince me, I would have to admit that the gravitational and electromagnetic dance between the two stars would suddenly become my top contender as a cause for our periodic cycle of catastrophic pole shifts. Something with a cosmic cycle of almost 26,000 years seems to have a huge impact on Earth. Is a binary companion for our sun the best explanation? I say there is some evidence, but not enough to be beyond a reasonable doubt. Will our civilization acknowledge the true cause before the end of the current cycle of world ages ends and another catastrophic pole shift occurs?