Czech President: Migrants' Culture Is Basically Incompatible With Europe
From the article:
Czech President: The Culture Of These Migrants Is Basically Incompatible With Europe
"Miloš Zeman, president of the Czech Republic, was interviewed by Prague TV station Barrandov on Thursday."
I've been saying, posting, and writing in my books that European nations have been committing a coordinated set of national suicides. Today's problems from migration will escalate. It will end in economic collapse, violent social unrest and eventually WWIII, just like Nostradamus prophecies warn. I detail this in my last book:
Nostradamus And The Islamic Invasion Of Europe
Several comments under the video above at Zerohedge and YouTube struck me as particularly insightful:
"Anybody who doesn't see this ending in extreme violence is deluding themselves. Europe had peace for decades and then the mad people in charge do this to us."
"The Europeans have a great talent for suicide."
"Add the next financial crisis to the mix and the AfD running ads constantly as to how someone fresh from Africa gets more than a family of three who paid into the system for twenty years, and German (and "EU" "politics" by extension) will get much more interesting."
"what he says is the absolute truth.....they have tried for centuries to conquer Europe, without results, and the lefties opened the door to the invaders, kissing them feeding them, while they brutalize their daughters.......when enough lefties daughters are brutalized, u will see how quick they change.....and it is coming, mark my words. Like in Sweden, alot of lefties in Sweden changing their tune now......i wonder why?"