Dhimmitude - Islamic Oppression as a Broadway Musical
Ok, I exaggerate slightly... But who would have expected a Broadway quality song about the Islamic treatment of non-Muslims being asked to submit or die?

DHIMMI - "a person living in a region overrun by Muslim conquest who pays an extra jizya tax and suffers second class citizenship to retain his or her original faith"
A song about accepting economic and social enslavement as a religious minority in a Muslim society? This song about dhimmitude sounds like it belongs in Le Miserables or Phantom of the Opera... As the producer says on his Youtube video summary:
"Dhimmitude is a word which tries to describe the horrors suffered by human beings conquered by Jihad, the religious duty of every Muslim, to impose laws on the infidel, laws which discriminate, humiliate, dehumanise, compel the infidel to a life of servitude. Laws which deny him every Human Right, even the right to life itself."
Remember kids, dhimmitude is coming soon to a European city like yours! Europeans seem to enjoy cowering in fear and servility to Islam. Your crazy leaders are working hard to commit national suicide. But it's not a conspiracy. It's just a dozen or so different nations exterminating their native culture and people... coincidentally. No one can see what's coming next as a result of such policies. Ignore all the warnings from Douglas Murray today, all the way back to Nostradamus...
(By the way, if you enjoy my posts, please consider following my blog with the link on the right... You might even like my books...)
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVCwWSdE3HU&w=854&h=480]
Dr. Bill Warner then asks, what if Muslim minorities were treated as they treat dhimmis (non-Muslims)?
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMKpxc2yCQc&w=854&h=480]