Does the "Hey Diddle Diddle" Nursery Rhyme Astronomically Describe POLE SHIFT?
Hey, diddle, diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such a start,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
This innocent sounding nursery rhyme can be traced back through 16th century England all the way to ancient Persia. And it might not be a coincidence that every reference in it has an ASTRONOMICAL counterpart. I think it is an ancient description of the last POLE SHIFT, just like many prophecies from Nostradamus and many End Times Bible prophecies describe the next pole shift that will bring on "a new heavens and a new earth" sooner than anyone wants to know...

What did our ancient ancestors view in the sky that made them record this event in a way it would be re-told and passed on for thousands of years?
In the 1569 writing "The Life of Cambeses King of Persia" there is mention of "dance called hey-diddle-diddle."
The diddle is the dance - in this case, of the astronomical bodies moving across the night sky.
The constellation Leo is the cat. No surprise this would be mentioned, for it was approximately 12,500 years ago in the zodiacal "Age of Leo" when the last catastrophic pole shift occurred and the "Ice Age" in North America ended with the Pleistocene Extinction. The "Ice Age" in America ended because the North Pole, which had been centered near Hudson Bay, moved suddenly to its present location.
The constellation Lyra - the lyre - the fiddle - is the fiddle of the diddle. It contains the star Vega, the 5th brightest star in the sky. Vega was our pole star 12,000 years ago, just after the pole shift, but long before the precession of the Earth's axis, (which moves across the sky in a circle every 25,800 years or so) had moved enough to point our axis at Polaris, our current pole star.
The constellation Taurus, the bull (the cow) appeared to rotate around (jump over) the Moon, which would only happen if the Earth itself was rotating quickly around a new and unusual pivot point during a pole shift.
The little dog is the constellation Canis Minor, which includes the star Procyon, our 7th brightest star. It was looking right at the new and strange pivot point in the sky, near the Moon and Taurus (and Gemini.) If the direction looked in by the little dog (Canis Minor) was not crucial to the story, we surely would be told about the big dog next to it - Canis Major - with the "Dog Star" Sirius, the BRIGHTEST star in the sky, never mentioned in this rhyme. Because only the little dog sees/laughs/jumps when he looks right at the crucial part of the sky.
The constellation Crater (the dish), known to Babylonians as a sign of death and as a gate to the underworld - is a dish.
The constellation Ursa Major, the Big Dipper, is the spoon. It contains Polaris, our current pole star. Both the dish and the spoon "ran away" when the pole shift made them appear to suddenly moved about 30 degrees from their normal course in the sky.
Of course this is just a THEORY. But there is a great deal of evidence for a massive, catastrophic POLE SHIFT over 12,000 years ago. And there is evidence we will experience the next one, in just a few years, right on schedule. As the Egyptian priests warned us thousands of years ago describing the periodic, cyclical catastrophe that regularly occurs every half-cycle of precession - as they described the destruction of Atlantis to the Greeks:
"after the usual period, the stream from heaven descends like a pestilence, and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education; and thus you have to begin all over again as children, and know nothing of what happened in ancient times.”