Earth Will Be In The Meteor Swarm That Caused The 1908 Tunguska Impact Blast
Many disintegrated comets are in an orbit that crosses Earth's orbit. Some cause regular meteor showers at the same times every year. Twice a year, Earth intersects one of the most visible and most deadly meteor showers. They are called the Taurids, because the meteors appear to start their blazing streak through the sky from near the constellation Taurus (and the Pleiades.)

This meteor swarm is actually from two sources, with the Southern Taurids originating from Comet Encke and peaking in activity October 29, and the Northern Taurids originating from asteroid 2004 TG10 and having the most meteors visible per minute on November 2. (Some believe the asteroid is a broken off part of the comet.)

It is widely believed that a near-pre-historic impact from a large meteorite once occurred on what we would call October 31 or November 1, which is why cultures all around the world have ancient holidays about death and destruction on these dates. This is the most visible encounter - but the Taurids cross paths with Earth's orbit twice a year. Around June 30, they come at us in the daytime, from the direction of the sun. We don't see meteor showers; but it's worth noting that the Tunguska Blast of June 30, 1908 that flattened about 80 million trees - almost 800 square miles of trees -

and is calculated to have been in the 10-15 megaton range (Hiroshima was destroyed by about 15-16 kilotons - almost a thousand times less) was probably from the Taurids. "Over the next several weeks, [late June 2019] our planet will have a close encounter with the Taurid meteor swarm. It will be the closest that we have been to the center of the meteor swarm since 1975." Of course, no disaster happened in 1975, and hopefully no disaster will occur this June 30 either. But a catastrophic impact does happen occasionally - as it did in 1908 in Russia, and not as well known - a 100 kiloton explosion over Brazil in 1930. No need to lose sleep over it... "but the Taurid swam is an exceptionally large cloud of debris, probably from Comet 2P/Encke, that scientists think may be responsible for some once-per-1,000-years catastrophic events on Earth. The Taurid complex-giant comet hypothesis proposes that a giant comet fragmented in the inner solar system, producing dust and small Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), including 2P/Encke and other asteroids, still present today." But even the Tunguska Event pales in comparison to what could happen on December 28, 2019, which NASA says is the most likely date for a catastrophic impact in the near future.
NASA Issues Asteroid Impact Warning for December 28, 2019 – The Judgment Day I Calculated in “End Times and 2019”
In End Times and 2019 I review the many biblical prophecies and astronomical clues that point to an ancient, week-long Jewish wedding ceremony being acted out in the night sky during Hanukkah 2019 from December 21 to 28 – and why dozens of clues – even from other cultures like the Maya – point to the possibility of Judgment Day on December 28, 2019. None of this means the world is definitely coming to an end on 12/28/19. But you can understand how I find it very interesting when NASA says:
NASA: A COLOSSAL asteroid measuring almost one mile in diameter (Asteroid 2010 GD37) could slam into Earth on December 28, 2019

“NASA has predicted 31 potential dates between 2019 and 2101, on which the asteroid threatens to hit the Earth. The closest impact date, which also happens to be the most likely date of cataclysm, falls on December 28, 2019…. NASA’s terrifying predictions are based on 19 observations made between April 5, 2010, and April 9, 2010. During this brief period of analysis, the US space agency calculated the asteroid’s diameter and mass as well as its barreling speed. According to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Asteroid GD37 measures roughly 4,137ft (1.261km) across. The asteroid also weighs in at an incredible 2.7 trillion kg or 2,700,000,000,000 kg.
Because of this, NASA believes the asteroid packs a devastating impact force of 260,000 Megatons (Mt).
“If an asteroid is indeed going to come very near the Earth then a collision cannot be ruled out early on” – NASA
Just one megaton is the equivalent of 1,000 Kilotons (Kt) or 1,000,000kg of TNT, meaning GD37 could hit Earth with the force of 260,000,000,000 kg of TNT" - enough to knock the Earth off its axis and cause a POLE SHIFT. Revelation 8:8 "The second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea..." The odds are not high, but if GD37 hits the Earth - goodbye, civilization.

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