Eclipse - Mania and Meaning?
I was planning on driving over 600 miles with my kids today to get to the TN/NC portion of the eclipse's path of totality. But due to the weather forecast I saw yesterday, predicting thunderstorms right at the time of the eclipse - plus the reports of traffic jams and precious little gas, food, or lodging in the towns on the eclipse path - I had to make the call to do something else with my vacation.

I had even started decorating the eclipse helmets I made from welder's glass and solar viewers (needed to make sure young children wouldn't damage their eyes looking past the eye protection.)Â It will be much less impressive to see only a partial eclipse - but fate rules out seeing the much more amazing total eclipse.
Throughout history, many cultures have thought of eclipses as an evil omen. A cause of huge problems in society or in the world. Perhaps part of this is because eclipses do have some strange gravitational side effects (I mentioned the Allais Effect in a previous post) and could potentially trigger earthquakes that were nearly critical already.
I've also pointed out that the eclipse on 12/26/2019 fulfills a few prophecies, such as Isaiah 13:10's mention of the sun being dark as it rises - that eclipse will be visible from Jerusalem at sunrise, right in the middle of other astronomical matches between events in the sky, and all the major steps of an ancient Jewish wedding ceremony. If the week of 12/21-28/2019 isn't the astronomical enactment of Christ's wedding to His bride, nothing ever will be. In End Times and 2019, I detail why that week is meaningful on so many levels, and that if we take prophecy seriously, we must consider December 2019 a serious candidate for the fulfillment of end times prophecy.
Such end times prophecies may include a pole shift, with catastrophic earth changes as the mechanism for making a "new earth" and changing our latitude and view of the sky to see a "new heaven."Â But if I'm right, that isn't in 2017...
Some people are concerned that oddly receding beaches in South America or earthquake swarms in Yellowstone are signs the earth is already strained and that the eclipse could push something over the edge. Some have noted the last time a total solar eclipse was only visible in the United States was 1776, as if marking America's birth - and they worry this one marks our imminent demise. Despite the interpretations of prophetic doom in my books, I don't expect any major problems August 21.