Europe is too TIRED to Defend Itself
Douglas Murray suggests: Europeans are too tired to resist Islam. I see his "Strange Death of Europe" as a conspiracy of national suicides... and as confirmation that Nostradamus prophecies of European apathy, neglect, and negligence opening a path to Islamic invasion are spot on! Ignoring such prophecies of what leads to WWIII soon - we already see the destruction of Europe through immigration. Whites are already a minority in London. If trends continue, most ethnic Swedes will live to see themselves become a minority in Sweden.
Some comments below the Douglas Murray video include:
"Political correctness is killing Europe most people are afraid to say anything in public these days in fear of being called a racist, xenophobe or Islamophobe. Being politically correct is what people should fear the most of all and is what people need to fight against if Europe as we know it is to survive."
"Europe has sold out to Islam, our weak as f*ck leaders who hate themselves and us taking bribes from Saudi dictators it's not all the people its the leaders we are fighting back but are called racist for doing so."
"Europe is **cked. That's what happens when you swallow cultural marxism whole. Europeans always patted themselves on the back at how progressive, socialist and tolerant they were. They always looked down on us Americans for being capitalist and considered us backwards and savage for clinging to our guns and bible. Are we still acting smug Europe? Or should I say Islamic state of Europestan?"
"How can this guy say that it's not a conspiracy when it obviously is! Europe has been undergoing this neo liberal conditioning since after World War II it is the reason why it's in the mess it's in today and most of their citizens don't seem to care."
"More specifically, it's WESTERN EUROPE that's tired and complacent. Poland and Eastern Europe, who's survived totalitarian states will have none of it."
"Sweden doesn't have a [post-colonial] guilt thing. Sweden just has a so far left government, they might as well be named the Marxist state of Scandinavia."
"As a Swedish citizen, I've no guilt whatsoever. The guilt lies within the crazy political class that has to be replaced before it's too late, or there will be a civil war. It has already started in some cities."

"What has happened in Sweden is an example of what happens when you let feminists take over. Never vote for a feminist no matter what party they stand for."
"The price for reproduction for European men has become too high to afford, through deregulation of female sexuality leading to a demographic collapse and ultimately replacement from traditional societies where the price for reproduction is still regulated."
"Things won't change until the people join up and do something about it together. When a government fails its people and its country, that's when the people need to take actions directly into their own hands."