Europe's Immigration Problem: More Money, More Invasion
The original article title I found at Zerohedge:
Europe's Immigration Imbroglio: Mo' Money, Mo' Invasion
When you reward a behavior, you get more of it. When you subsidize failure or illegal immigration, you get more of it.
"The Soros-funded invasion caravan is a thinly-veiled political stunt which is being used to fuel the unquenchable greed of globalists using Marxist arguments of envy to sow sympathy for those marching to... the U.S. where those migrants overwhelmingly vote for the party who will further subsidize them."
"...So, it makes me happy today to see Italian Interior Minister and all-around badass Matteo Salvini highlight just how sick and insane the whole immigration issue is by announcing he’s cutting in half the daily allowance of migrants from 35€ per day (PER DAY!) to 19€.
That’s nearly $1200 per month folks.
As Ron Paul so succinctly said on the campaign trail, when you subsidize something you get more of it.
So, Italy under the direction of an EU-appointed Prime Minister and government was handing out nearly €1 billion a year to migrants in a country under a brutal austerity program and laboring under a crushing debt load due to fiscal mismanagement.
Now, it doesn’t take an economist to tell you that people respond to incentives. No wonder everyone wants in."
"...It is especially incompatible with public property in which Marxist wealth transfer systems are in place.
In fact, the political system is so dysfunctional it encourages this behavior to suit the agenda of the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. So has it been in both Europe and the U.S.
And the sick display of using economic migrants as political footballs lies at their feet. And those who stand up against this abrogation of the basic property rights of natives are labeled racists, elitists, populists and Nazis.
So, Salvini made a brilliant political move by highlighting this insane practice of paying people to come be subsidized by native Italians who, frankly, had very little say in the matter.
Because up until today I didn’t know Italy was paying these people €35 per day. And I’m sure a lot of Italians didn’t either. So, by cutting the allowance Salvini highlights the practice but doesn’t end it outright, leaving that decision to voters to continue to be outraged about."
Italians and Europeans should be outraged. But the masses are often quite stupid. In America, they just elected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez into Congress by a HUGE margin, and she is the youngest, dumbest, least prepared Socialist moron I have ever witnessed - completely unable to debate.... few elections sadden me, hers did... In Europe the people have been allowing collective national suicide that will eventually destroy many European nations with socio-economic collapse via invasion, and if Nostradamus is right, it will lead to WWIII.