Far Out Dwarf Planets Suggest Farther - Planet X or Binary Companion Star
New finds of dwarf planets far beyond Pluto continue to suggest a more massive undiscovered object affecting their orbits. Will we eventually find Planet X or a binary companion to our sun - or have we already, with the knowledge kept secret because it is central to understanding a long cycle of periodic disasters that cause catastrophes on Earth every 12,000+ years?
Earth orbits the sun at an average distance of about 93 million miles, a distance we call 1AU - One Astronomical Unit. The planetary orbits appear to be spaced out at predictable intervals roughly approximating Bode's Law.
The Titius-Bode Law is rough rule that predicts the spacing of the planets in the Solar System. To find the mean distances of the planets, beginning with the following simple sequence of numbers:
0 3 6 12 24 48 96 192 384
With the exception of the first two, the others are simple twice the value of the preceding number. Add 4 to each number then divide by 10. The resulting sequence is very close to the distribution of mean distances of the planets from the Sun:
Body Actual distance (A.U.) Bode's Law <a.u.)< td=""> </a.u.)<> Mercury 0.39 0.4 Venus 0.72 0.7 Earth 1.00 1.0 Mars 1.52 1.6 2.8 Jupiter 5.20 5.2 Saturn 9.54 10.0 Uranus 19.19 19.6

Note that the very distant orbits of Neptune and Pluto are between 30-40AU out. We know there is a "Kupier Belt" of dwarf planets and smaller objects orbiting up to 50AU away. But recently we have been discovering incredibly distant objects orbiting our sun far beyond Neptune and Pluto. "Farout" and "Farfarout" (not the most thoughtful names) are over 100AU away, and a dwarf planet nicknamed "the Goblin" was found in a 35,000 year orbit that brings it within 80AU of the sun at its perihelion and as far as about 1000AU out at its aphelion.
But none of these new finds are massive enough to explain the irregularities in the orbits of Pluto and other more distance objects. Astronomers still assume a supermassive something remains undiscovered. Some conspiracy theorists believe the truth has been discovered and is well understood, but that knowledge of it is kept secret and hidden from us by governments, space agencies like NASA, and possible even elite groups like Masons or Illuminati.

Since 1 light-year = 63241 AU and the nearest star to our sun is over 4 light years away, there are well over 100,000 AU to go beyond the Goblin before distances come anywhere near the halfway point between our sun and any other known and visible star. Which gives a lot of room for a large "Planet X" or even a dark binary companion star to our sun. Millions of people believe a large astronomical body with a long orbit is responsible for the periodic cycle of catastrophes that appear to cause a pole shift on Earth every 12,000+ years.
Graham Hancock's best-seller (over 3 Million copies) Fingerprints of the Gods "uses creation myths in ancient texts and wild geological scenarios to suggest that 12,450 years ago major crustal shifts moved Antarctica to its present location." More recently Hancock wrote Magicians of the Gods describing ancient technology, wisdom, and monuments like Gobekli Tepe... and the possibility that a comet impact (unpredictable) led to the last pole shift rather than anything predictable and cyclical - but many dismiss his conclusions, commenting on Hancock's theories: "leading him to make some erroneous conclusions. Especially we oppose Graham’s contention that the Vulture Stone [a carving roughly 11-12,000 years old at Turkey's Gobekli Tepe] predicts an impact 12,000 years into their future—around 2030 AD."
I don't know if all of Hancock's theories should be accepted as truth - but I do believe the evidence points to a cycle of pole shifts with the next civilization-ending cataclysm due in the first half of the 21st century.