Forbidden Archeology Proves Advanced Civilizations Existed Before the Last Ice Age (Video)
My readers know I think the evidence points to a periodic cycle of catastrophic pole shifts, the last of which destroyed a very advanced civilization almost 13,000 years ago.
"Everything we are told about ancient history is wrong: civilisation didn't start in Sumeria and Egypt around 3,500 BC; it began 10,000 years before in great cities which subsequently suffered a cataclysm. An entire episode in the human story was rubbed out, a chapter not of unsophisticated hunter gatherers but of advanced technology."

The Egyptian device above looks a lot like an early Crooke's (X-ray) tube

The video below, narrated by Graham Hancock, reviews some of the evidence for very ancient civilizations, starting off with a location that is an expected place of refuge in India - refuge from the sloshing oceans from a pole shift at the end of the Kali Yuga Age. Other topics include erosion at Giza, Gobekli Tepe, Angkor Wat, roads that disappear and continue under the sea at Malta, ancient maps showing different coastlines, underwater megaliths at Yonaguni-Japan, Easter Island...