French Spring Uprising Against Macron?

The world may unravel in 2019, but it is already falling apart in France. Videos below show a protester beaten by Police, and another protester's hand blown off by a grenade. You can watch live footage of fires and tear gas in Paris and other French cities.
One article at Infowars suggests of the yellow vest protests:
"the protests are part of a wider revolt against the elite and have taken on somewhat of a nationalist tone. Prominent leaders of the protest movement have outlined their support for failed asylum seekers to be returned to their home countries, for legal immigrants to undergo rigorous integration programs, and for France to introduce popular referendums as part of the country’s constitution.
As As political commentator Kark Sharro explains, what is unfolding is an “organic, leaderless protest movement with no clear ideology” that combines elements from both the political left and right. Protesters are unified in that they have completely lost faith with establishment parties."
The French people are sick of paying to import millions of migrants and the recent new taxes on petrol/gasoline to help pay for carbon emissions allegedly to help fight global warming is just icing on the cake, as Macron might as well be saying "Let them eat cake."
Macron is a traitorous puppet loyal to the Rothschilds and maybe George Soros or even the Islamic world but definitely not a loyal leader of France. Good riddance if he gets the boot soon. France and Europe will be better off without his globalism, socialism, and leftist multicultural political correctness. Unfortunately his departure might come too late to save France or Europe from reaping the whirlwind of their negligence and suffering the fate their own most prominent seer has foreseen.