The top comment under the video below says: “Le Pen 10m votes. Macron 6m. Antifa splinter groups 6m. This isn’t Democracy. She won.” Personally I consider the leftists evil traitors hell bent on destroying their country. But I have long known Le Pen would not be put in charge whether her right of center party wins an election or not for two reasons. First, the Marxists/socialists/leftists/traitors will pull any dirty trick necessary to steal elections (in any country, not just France.)
But I also give credence to something most people don’t – prophecy. Having written several prophecy books I’ve done enough research to know Nostradamus has sometimes been right, with astounding and detailed accuracy. Often enough to make me realize such abilities are real.
Nostradamus warned of a third world war which would start around 2001 and simmer and gradually escalate for 27 years before WWIII ends around late 2028 or 2029. He said Ukraine (he said the land around the River Dnieper) would fall first, and described an Islamic invasion of Europe, with millions of troops from a pan-Islamic alliance reaching through southern Europe and deep into Germany and France. America, Russia, and China will all eventually be involved. There will be four nuclear attacks on cities, presumably two on each side. I’m guessing one in China, one in the Middle East, one in Europe, and one in America. At least he doesn’t foresee an all out nuclear war. As for France, Nostradamus blames “negligence” “apathy” and “neglect.” One look around Paris today and there’s no argument from me; French leaders have done everything they could to weaken and destroy the French nation.