I just found out there's a German book on Nostradamus that agrees with me: WWIII in Europe, then a POLE SHIFT
I never heard of Rose Stern until a few minutes ago, but if the main conclusions of this interpretation of Nostradamus prophecies are:
"Die Weissagungen befassen sich mit dem Hauptthema des Polsprunges und dem vorangehenden Krieg in Europa als Vorspiel."
"The prophecies deal with the main theme of the pole shift and the preceding war in Europe as a prelude."
Then I agree with that assessment. If Nostradamus, and my interpretations of his prophecies - are correct, then WWIII is largely fought in Europe, then the Middle East at the end. The war should be over by 2028, followed by a pole shift, probably in October, in 2028 or at the latest 2029.