Is California Just Determined to be a Bunch of Communist Douchebags?

As if I need to justify my blog post title, here are some noteworthy California facts, before the main point of the post, from the article:
50 Reasons Why California Sucks
"California was ranked dead last (#50 out of 50 states) in “Quality of Life” by a U.S. News Study published this year."
"Santa Barbara, CA recently imposed fines for establishments that provide plastic straws. Yes, seriously. And not a small fine, either. Offenses range from $1,000 to 6 months jail time for EACH plastic straw provided. Councilman Jason Dominguez had this to say about it: “we can’t always count on common sense,” and therefore, “we have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives.”
"This lovely state is the first in trying to normalize pedophilia by encouraging child sex play and telling parents to let their kids watch porn."
California has the highest sales tax, the highest state income tax, and the highest minimum corporate taxes in the United States.
"California [only] has the 5th highest gas tax in the country.... [But] – if you drive an electric car they’ll still charge you a $100 annual fee for “offsetting your gas taxes” a.k.a. cheating the mafia the California legislature of their protection fee tax income.
Other articles only add to the steaming pile of feces (not just in San Francisco, where they literally have piles of feces in so many places they made an app to help you avoid them) with these additional facts:
"California has been ranked as the worst state for business for 12 years in a row…"
"According to USA Today, Los Angeles now has the worst traffic in the entire world."
....The title of my post was actually triggered not just by what I already knew about California's extreme leftist failings, but by a new article I found by Jason Torchinsky:
Sacramento County Says It's Illegal to Work on Your Own Car in Your Own Garage
"Almost any auto repair you do on your property is illegal:
The code states that conducting “minor vehicle repair” or “minor automotive repair” is legal at a residence, and defines “minor automotive repair” as:
Brake part replacement
Minor tune-ups
Change of oil and filter
Repair of flat tires
Other similar operations
(See section 5.2.0.B of the Zoning Code) OK, that seems fairly reasonable so far. That is, until you get to this section of the explanatory website:
2. Is Minor Vehicle Repair Permitted at Residences?
Yes. However, it is unlawful for any person to engage in, or permit others to engage in, minor vehicle repair or maintenance in any agricultural, agricultural-residential, residential, interim estate and interim residential zones under any of the following circumstances:
1. Using tools not normally found in a residence;
2. Conducted on vehicles registered to persons, not currently residing on the lot or parcel;
3. Conducted outside a fully enclosed garage and resulting in any vehicle being inoperable for a period in excess of twenty-four hours. Here we have some issues. How exactly do you define “tools not normally found in a residence?” A socket set? A torque wrench? A brake drum puller? This feels like a rule that’s dangerously open to interpretation with pretty minimal supporting evidence.
Number two is clearly there to prevent people from running off-the-books repair shops, but what if you’re working on a friend’s car? And number three means you can’t do anything unless you have an actual garage, and whatever you’re doing you better get it all wrapped up inside of one day, which, as most of us who’ve dealt with one stubborn, time-sucking, hard-to-reach bolt know, is not always possible.
Of course, “Major Automotive Repair,” that is, anything not explicitly defined under “Minor Automotive Repair,” is not legal anywhere on your own property, even if you’re doing it in the sanctity of your own closed garage.
One commenter on the Grassroots Motorsports forum reported that he’d already been issued a $430 fine for working on his car in his garage...."
That's why hundreds of thousands of of sane middle class people are saying:
