Is The End of The World Coming Soon?
I love researching the facts and myths and legends and religious beliefs about the eventual end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI) - I even write books about the biblical end times, WWIII, and the coming POLE SHIFT. So of course it got my attention when I saw that at a recent article was titled:
Pollution, Invasive Aliens, & Mass Extinction: 20,000 Scientists 'Warn Humanity' The End Is Nigh
"If the world did not have enough to worry about, 20,000 scientists have a few more reasons to believe 'the end is nigh'...and President Trump is not to blame for any of it (yet). A dire warning to the world about its future, predicting catastrophe for humanity, continues to gain momentum, becoming one of the most discussed pieces of scientific research ever."
Not that they focused on any of the hot topics in my books...
Many other sources do, some focusing on interpreting Bible prophecy, and some as far from it as possible, like:
In June when the editor of Australia's Nexus Magazine sent me a copy of their latest issue including my article (same title as my book, Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced) and as I read through the latest copy of Nexus I read several other fascinating articles, including one titled: "Wisdom of the Ancients" which mentioned that "Aboriginal Elders in Australia have started speaking of the 'End of Days.' From what I can gather, this once in an epoch event will occur in late 2019." - Duncan Roads, editor
I will do another post soon on the many sources and interpretations pointing to 2019...