JFK had affair with TEENAGER Mimi Alford WHILE he was President. Where's the liberal outrage?
With all the sex scandals in the news recently, you would think the media would include an occasional reference to John F. Kennedy's known affairs, especially since they include celebrity names like Marilyn Monroe, and also teenagers like Mimi Alford. But then again JFK was the left-wing's demigod, so I guess the kind of outrage they express when Republicans do the same deeds doesn't apply to Democratic leadership. We have to go back a few years for this insightful New York Post article about JFK's affair as described in Alford's book:

"In the summer of 1962, Alford was a slender, golden-haired 19-year-old debutante whose finishing-school polish and blueblood connections had landed her a job in the White House press office.
Four days into her internship, she was invited by an aide to go for a midday swim in the White House pool, where the handsome, 45-year-old president swam daily to ease chronic back pain. JFK slid into the pool and floated up to her.
“It’s Mimi, isn’t it?” he asked.
“Yes, sir,” she said.
“And you’re in the press office this summer, right?”
“Yes, sir, I am,” she replied.
Lightning had struck. Later that day, Mimi was invited by Dave Powers, the president’s “first friend” and later the longtime curator of the Kennedy Library in Boston, to an after-work party. When she arrived at the White House residence, Powers and two other young female staffers were waiting. Powers poured, and frequently refilled, her glass with daiquiris until the commander-in-chief arrived.
The president invited her for a personal tour. She got up, expecting the rest of the group to follow. They didn’t. He took her to “Mrs. Kennedy’s room.”
“I noticed he was moving closer and closer. I could feel his breath on my neck. He put his hand on my shoulder,” she recounts.
The next thing she knew, he was standing above her, looking directly into her eyes and guiding her to the edge of the bed..."
You can read much more, with sordid details and insights into JFK, including how Alford says he asked her to pleasure other men, flew her around the country, and made her inhale amyl nitrate in the article cited above.
If this had been Richard Nixon we would never hear the end of it. Where is the liberal outrage? Oh, that's right, JFK was a democrat. Media bias says: Shhhhhhhh.