JK Rowling (author of Harry Potter) and FAKE NEWS - LIES about Trump
As Paul Joseph Watson points out, there is no mainstream media backlash when this billionaire lies about Trump, fails to apologize when proven wrong, and doesn't seem to do much about the Syrian refugees she tweets about, despite her many mansions and ample economic opportunity to help more if she cared to do so.
But then again, liberals have an agenda, and it isn't to portray the TRUTH at all costs, it's to pursue their progressive agenda of NWO globalization at all costs, even if it leads to WWIII and the destruction of western values, cultures, and nations - including democracy itself.
Is it extreme to blame JK Rowling as a dangerous lying liberal? I think when someone has billions of dollars, billions of readers and viewers, and 11 million twitter followers, they have a responsibility to the TRUTH.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7sytskT3tc&w=1280&h=720]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYB29vwsQoY&w=1280&h=720]