Jonathan Cahn Says Trump's Moves With Israel and Jerusalem Fulfil Prophecy
Over 2500 years ago, the Persian King Cyrus freed Babylon's Jews from "70 years" of captivity.
On May 14, 1948 the State of Israel declared independence. 70 years later, Donald Trump truly recognized Jerusalem as its capital by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.
Wikipedia tells us the name: "Donald is a masculine given name derived from the Gaelic name Dòmhnall. This comes from the Proto-Celtic *Dumno-ualos "world-ruler."
Israelis are VERY aware of this similarities
Matthew 24:32-34: "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."
Most interpreters say - Israel is the fig tree, and the generation that saw its birth will see all end times prophecies fulfilled.
Psalms 90:9-10: "The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off and we fly away."
This means a generation is 70-80 years. 70 years from 1948 was 2018. 80 years is 2028. This makes it seem like the end times are due VERY soon. I believe such prophetic fulfillment will bring on a new heaven and a new earth through a pole shift.