Monument Alignments Point to Former North Pole Before Last Pole Shift
In a blog post titled: An Analysis of Certain Alignments at Chimalacatlán Mark Carlotto discusses the alignments of many ancient structures pointing to previous North Poles before the last pole shift - and even earlier pole shifts - indicating some structures were originally built tens of thousands of years ago.

Image courtesy Marco Vigato - Southwestern side of structure C1, southwest of Chimalacatlán, Mexico.
"As discussed in Before Atlantis numerous sites in Mexico appear to have been aligned to ancient poles that are hypothesized to have once existed in Hudson Bay, Greenland, and the Norway Sea. For example, Teotihuacan is aligned to Hudson Bay, which based on current climate data could have been the location of the North Pole prior to the end of the last ice age, approximately 12,000 to 18,000 years ago. Tenochtitlan (today’s Mexico City) and Chichen Itza are aligned to locations in northern Greenland and the Norway Sea that could have been the locations of the North Pole at earlier climate epochs as far back as 75,000 years ago. By virtue of the alignments of these sites to older poles, we hypothesize that the sites are as old as [the former orientation of the] poles."
I couldn't agree more.