Mystery Deepens After US Confirms 16 Diplomats Suffered "Traumatic Brain Injury" In Cuban 'Sonic Attack'
from an article at
"One of the most bizarre stories this week took a more sinister turn yesterday as the US State Department officially confirmed 16 US Government employees were affected by health attacks in Cuba.
State Deaprtment spokesperson Heather Nuarte calmly explained the details, which are quite frankly stunning..."
"...Mainstream media seems loathed to cover this!? Happy to focus on nazis? CBS News, however, did some digging, discovering from a review of medical records that the American and Canadian diplomats in Cuba have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury - and central nervous damage - after an apparent attack with a sonic weapon targeted their homes."
This has been ongoing since at least November, and diplomatic discussions about it have been held in secret for months.

"Attacks Continued While Cuban Authorities Looked Into Incident In June 2017 five diplomats from Canada, along with their families, reported symptoms that were consistent with attacks. This meant that more attacks had been undertaken while officials in Cuba were looking into the incidents. A spokesperson said that they were aware of the symptoms that were affecting diplomats from the US and Canada, along with their families. The person went on to say that the government has been working and is continuing to work with authorities in Cuba and the US to determine the cause.
Sophisticated Sonic Weapon Used Out Of Audible Sound Range
During some of the attacks, a sophisticated sonic weapon had been used and this was out of the range of any audible sound that had been deployed inside or outside of the residences of the diplomats that were living in Havana. The weapon used is said to cause hearing loss, nausea and headaches. Other attacks reported are said to have made a deafeningly loud noise that is very much like large insects buzzing or something metal, such as a chair, being scraped over the floor. However, upon investigation the source the sound was coming from could not be determined. Some diplomats had been attacked while sleeping at their residences late at night. The United States and Cuba have been discussing attacks for months in secret. In May the US made the decision to expel two diplomats from Cuba who were working in the United States and this was to protest the attack, but this had been kept from the public."