NASA Issues Asteroid Impact Warning for December 28, 2019 - The Judgment Day I Calculated in "End Times and 2019"
In End Times and 2019 I review the many biblical prophecies and astronomical clues that point to an ancient, week-long Jewish wedding ceremony being acted out in the night sky during Hanukkah 2019 from December 21 to 28 - and why dozens of clues - even from other cultures like the Maya - point to the possibility of Judgment Day on December 28, 2019. None of this means the world is definitely coming to an end on 12/28/19. But you can understand how I find it very interesting when NASA says:
NASA: A COLOSSAL asteroid measuring almost one mile in diameter (Asteroid 2010 GD37) could slam into Earth on December 28, 2019

"NASA has predicted 31 potential dates between 2019 and 2101, on which the asteroid threatens to hit the Earth. The closest impact date, which also happens to be the most likely date of cataclysm, falls on December 28, 2019.... NASA’s terrifying predictions are based on 19 observations made between April 5, 2010, and April 9, 2010. During this brief period of analysis, the US space agency calculated the asteroid’s diameter and mass as well as its barreling speed. According to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Asteroid GD37 measures roughly 4,137ft (1.261km) across. The asteroid also weighs in at an incredible 2.7 trillion kg or 2,700,000,000,000 kg.
Because of this, NASA believes the asteroid packs a devastating impact force of 260,000 Megatons (Mt).
"If an asteroid is indeed going to come very near the Earth then a collision cannot be ruled out early on" - NASA
Just one megaton is the equivalent of 1,000 Kilotons (Kt) or 1,000,000kg of TNT, meaning GD37 could hit Earth with the force of 260,000,000,000 kg of TNT. For comparison, the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945, had a blast force between 13Kt to 18Kt or 13,000 to 18,000 tonnes of TNT. And at the point of atmospheric entry, Asteroid GD37 would likely hit the Earth at a velocity of 64,088.225mph(28.65km per second)." An even more recent article has appeared on many web sites discussing NASA's general warning about the urgent need to begin preparing for a potential asteroid impact. The article below is from Fox News:
NASA chief warns asteroid threat is real: ‘It’s about protecting the only planet we know to host life'
"NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine is sounding the alarm that an asteroid strike is not something to be taken lightly and is perhaps Earth's biggest threat.
Speaking at the International Academy of Astronautics' 2019 Planetary Defense Conference in College Park, Md., on Monday, Bridenstine said the space agency and other asteroid scientists need to make sure people understand that the threat is very real and not just the imagination of big-budget blockbuster movie directors."
Another recent article at CNN:
This week, NASA is practicing what to do if an asteroid hits Earth
"When it comes to extraterrestrial threats, you can never be too careful, and NASA and FEMA aren't taking any chances. The two agencies, together with some international groups, are holding a practice run of what would ensue in case an asteroid, comet or other near-Earth object (NEO) came hurtling toward the planet. This type of natural disaster is not very likely to happen, but would be catastrophic in the rare chance that it actually does, NASA said in June 2018. The two US agencies are partnering with international groups such as NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO), the European Space Agency's Space Situational Awareness-NEO Segment and the International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN). The drill is taking place this week at the annual Planetary Defense Conference, where scientists from across the globe gather to discuss "threatening objects" to Earth. Specifically, they will participate in a fictional scenario in which an asteroid has an impact trajectory with the Earth." None of this proves anything will happen on 12/28/19. But it certainly has my attention.