National Suicide via Bad Immigration?
I have said many times that European immigration policies are a form of intentional, collective national suicide that will destroy France, Germany, Britain, Sweden, Italy, and many other nations if nothing changes soon. [It doesn't take a Nostradamus to predict the outcome - but his prophecies did specifically warn that this would escalate into a huge invasion of Europe.] Now a comparison is being made to American immigration, and people are starting to ask: is non-selective mass immigration national suicide?
from the article at and
Buchanan: Is America's Immigration Plan A Yellow-Brick Road To Utopia (Or National Suicide)?
President "Trump [allegedly] called Haiti a “s—-hole country,” said Durbin, and then asked why we don’t have more immigrants from neat places “like Norway.”
With that, there erupted one of the great media firestorms of the Trump era... by contrasting Norway as a desirable source of immigrants, as opposed to Haiti, El Salvador and Africa, Trump tabled a question that is roiling the West, the answer to which will decide its fate.
Trump is saying with words, as he has with policies, that in taking in a million people a year, race, religion and national origin matter, if we are to preserve our national unity and national character. [How about a law-abiding, hard-working, income and savings-generating culture? Immigrants from such a culture are likely to work, and earn, and contribute - as opposed to those from many other nations, whose immigrants have a higher tendency to end up on welfare...] Moreover, on deciding who comes, and who does not, Americans have the sovereign right to discriminate in favor of some continents, countries and cultures, and against others..."
[The image below is from Dave Hodges - an image search for "immigration national suicide brings it up - see]
[There is a question at the bottom of the image above. Is it racist to ask, or is it crazy NOT to ask?]
...Today, issues of immigration and race are tearing countries and continents apart. There are anti-immigrant parties in every nation in Europe. Turkey is being bribed to keep Syrian refugees out of Europe. Boatloads of Africans from Libya are being turned back in the Med....
Angela Merkel’s Party may have suffered irreparable damage when she let a million Mideast refugees in. The larger concentrations of Arabs, Africans and Turks in Britain, France and Germany are not assimilating. Central European nations are sealing borders.
Europe fears a future in which the continent, with its shrinking numbers of native-born, is swamped by peoples from the Third World.
Yet the future-alarmed Europeans are resisting is a future U.S. elites have embraced. Among the reasons, endless mass migration here means the demographic death of the GOP.
In U.S. presidential elections, persons of color whose roots are in Asia, Africa and Latin America vote 4-1 Democratic, and against the candidates favored by American’s vanishing white majority. Not for the first time, liberal ideology comports precisely with liberal interests.
Mass immigration means an America in 2050 with no core majority, made up of minorities of every race, color, religion and culture on earth, a continent-wide replica of the wonderful diversity we see today in the U.N. General Assembly.
Such a country has never existed before.
Are we on the Yellow Brick Road to the new Utopia - or on the path to national suicide?"