New Clues Pointing to 2019
In End Times and 2019, which I wrote shortly before the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar that created so much hype in December 2012 - I commented on the astronomical configuration drawn for the end of the present world. Specifically, I noted that Mayan art showing the positions of planets at the moment of the end of the present world did not match the real positions planets would have in the sky at the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar on December 21, 2012 - but that they did match the sky 7 years later, in late December 2019. I also explained that Bible prophecy describes the skies at the time of the end, and many of the Bible's astronomical descriptions match the skies during the week of Hanukkah from December 21-28, 2019.
Most notably: the sun, moon, and planets move in a way that acts out in the sky
One very impressive item, matching the step in which the groom gives the bride the ring, corresponds to a total solar eclipse - in which we on Earth see "the diamond ring effect" of the solar corona showing around the edge of the moon. Not only that - it happens at just the right time to match the eight minute window in the ancient wedding ceremony. It could symbolize Christ coming for His bride. It also matches Isaiah 13:10 "The sun will be dark when it rises" - as the total solar eclipse is visible from Jerusalem at sunrise on December 26, 2019.
Even more hints to pay attention to late 2019 have come out recently:
Aboriginal Elders - In June when the editor of Australia's Nexus Magazine sent me a free copy of their latest issue including my article (same title as my book, Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced) and as I read through the latest copy of Nexus I read several other fascinating articles, including one titled: "Wisdom of the Ancients" which mentioned that "Aboriginal Elders in Australia have started speaking of the 'End of Days.'Â From what I can gather, this once in an epoch event will occur in late 2019." - Duncan Roads, editor
400 Years of Slavery Prophecy - The first African slaves arrived in Jamestown (Virginia) on August 20, 1619 - and many people believe America will suffer a prophetic fall in the year 2019 as a result.Â
In the Bible, Genesis 15:13-14 says: "God said to Abram, “Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, where they will be enslaved and oppressed four hundred years. But I will also judge the nation whom they will serve..."
Some African-Americans suggest King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba had a son, a royal prince of Ethiopia, and that through that royal line, many Ethiopians and Africans are Jewish. Israel recognizes this and has brought tens of thousands of Ethiopian Jews to Israel. Some even believe the Lost Ark of the Covenant was taken to Ethiopia, where the Ethiopian Church claims to have it secured in a church in Axum to this day.
the video above has beautiful music & even shows my book cover at the 6 minute mark!
I agree that America is the end times Mystery Babylon written of in the Bible and that end times Bible prophecy suggests not just a general ending in 2019 but specific destruction for America and its main city New York - which I expect to be nuked.
Esoteric Encyclopedia Entry of the Week: 2019/2020 Prophecy
Channeled Warnings - "'In our studies, and through channeling, we have received a similar date from our 'guide'. Which stated: 'The call of this time period is the time of growth in the form of a new Earth taking shape.... It is only a new beginning, not an end.' '2019 is the 'birth.'"
New Interpretation of the 2300 Years Prophecy in the Book of Daniel
In End Times and 2019, I argue that Daniel's 2300 year prophecy successfully predicted the events of June 1967 when Jerusalem was united under Jewish/Israeli rule.
Daniel 8:13-14 ...'Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said, unto two thousand and three hundred days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.'
This refers to the Jewish Temple and a purification after enemy forces have defiled it. This prophetic event was foreshadowed when the evil Seleucid King Antiochus, a precursor to the Antichrist, was defeated and Jews reclaimed the Temple in 165 B.C.
Even back in 1825, Adam Clarke wrote in his Bible commentary that we could expect Jerusalem to be under Jewish rule in 1966 based on this prophecy, looking forward 2300 years from Alexander's victory over the Persian army at the Battle of Issus. But Clarke did his math wrong by counting a non-existent year zero, and was one year off from when the Jews took all of Jerusalem back from Arab/Islamic rule. Case closed, right? A success for Bible prophecy!
But the video below suggests that we should focus on these details of Daniel 8:22 as a starting point for the 2300 years.
"The broken horn and the four horns that arose in its place represent four kingdoms which will arise from his nation, although not with his power."
Alexander died in 323 B.C. His kingdom, his Empire, was eventually divided by the families of his top four generals. The Seleucids ruled the largest portion in Asia... But before they did, Alexander's General Ptolemy, whose dynasty would eventually rule Egypt from Greek times into Roman times - he tried to hold Alexander's empire together in one piece. Wikipedia states that after Alexander's death "a series of civil wars tore his [Alexander's] empire apart, resulting in the establishment of several states ruled by the Diadochi, Alexander's surviving generals and heirs."Â
There was a "forty year war" after which General Ptolemy handed power to his son in 284 B.C. before dying in 282 B.C. Only then did four horns arise from his (Alexander's) nation...
In the video below, the narrator argues that 282 B.C. is the year that Daniel 8:22 describes, when four kingdoms arose out of Alexander's kingdom. -282 plus 2300 = 2018, before we add a year for the non-existent year zero and reach 2019.
Anyone who reads End Times and 2019 knows I believe there is a great deal of evidence, biblical and otherwise, pointing to end times events in late 2019. Read Daniel's chapter 8 and listen to the video below, and see what you think...