New Discovery at Egyptian Temple of Hathor at Dendara Being Kept Secret

Hathor, in Egyptian mythology, is the mother of the sun god and his agent of destruction when humanity requires decimation. I suspect the description of Hathor killing most of humanity describes the last catastrophic pole shift event many thousands of years ago. Her temple at Dendara had an amazing zodiac (now in Paris) and the inscriptions on the walls show some unique images with warnings which some interpret to show advanced technology.
For example:

looks a lot like an early "Crookes tube" or Roentengen X-ray bulb

Jimmy from Youtube's Bright Insight channel recently made a video showing photos of evidence pillars of a temple UNDER the foundation stones of Hathor's temple, which authorities are not publicizing and intend to investigate later in secret. (He was sent pictures from someone who was on a private tour with a guide who bribed guards to see extra things the public doesn't get to see, including recently discovered structures under the temple at Dendara.) Although it could be extensive foundation pylons under the foundation stones, the tops seem intricately carved and this would not be necessary - so it could be there is an older temple underneath with amazing insights into prehistory. Expect the Dendara temple to be closed off soon for massive renovations.