Noah's Flood Caused by POLE SHIFT
I recently found a blog post titled:
Noah’s Flood, Atlantis, and the Okotok
at the blog today. Aside from the fact that I see such biblical catastrophes as descriptions of a POLE SHIFT, and have never heard of the Okotok before, I enjoyed the article - Excerpts below...
"Noah’s flood, in the Bible, is dated at about the same time as other flood stories from almost every ancient culture. Stories about a huge and deadly flood are found in the Australian outback, the mountains of Ecuador in South America, in China, in the stories of Gilgamesh and Noah’s flood from the ancient Middle East, and in the Greek story of Atlantis.
Plato and other Greek writers told us about an ancient land of Atlantis that was flooded, and apparently the Atlanteans invaded other places, in desperation. Ancient flood stories are everywhere, from people who did not speak to each other. They made their own versions in isolation.
We now know that ocean levels rose about 130 meters / almost 430 ft. when ice-age glaciers melted and large land areas were flooded. Did you know that the sea between England and Denmark contained Doggerland, now the Dogger Banks and fishermen have pulled up ancient human tools from the sea bottom, and the British Isles were more like the British peninsula?
The Grand Banks of Newfoundland were once dry land, near where the Titanic went down, and Japan not was a string of islands but was part of the Asian mainland.
Imagine if the Bible never mentioned a flood story while every other source did. Critics would say it was a more modern creation, or fraud, and the authors did not know the ancient stories. The story of Noah’s ark and all those animals is evidence that the oldest parts of the Bible are really old.
And then we have the Okotoks.
During the ice ages, glaciers were found where we find them today, near the poles and on high mountains, but with more ice. The Alps, Norway and Scotland sent ice into most of Europe, but what we can’t explain easily is Canada.
The Laurentide Ice Sheet covered Canada and stopped near the U.S. border. In Finland, the ice stopped in the east, near the modern border with northern Russia...
I live where an ice sheet covered Canada, and only the experts can see evidence if ice erosion. What we have is evidence of massive floods from when the ice melted. The ground under me is lake-bottom clay as thick as a tall building, and large dry valleys are everywhere, known as coulees.
And we have the Okotok.
There is a narrow string of rugged rocks about 600 miles / 1000 km long extending south into Montana, including the Okotok “the Big Rock”...just outside of town is a large and rugged rock the size of a battleship. Strangely, this rocky mass in a farmer’s field came from near Mount Edith Cavell in Jasper National Park, far to the north.
So how did the Okotok, and other rocks in the Foothills Erratic Train walk out of a mountain valley to the open plains, about 60 miles / 100 km and then do a hard right turn and march to Okotoks and Montana? ...geologists believe a huge avalanche dropped large pieces of mountain rock on a valley-bottom glacier near Mount Edith Cavell, possibly from an earthquake.
In the warmer valley bottom a pool of melt water formed under the glacier and when it burst out, the flash flood flowed down the valley and turned right when it hit the Laurentide Ice Sheet on the plains. Angular rocks like the Okotoks were rafted on ice in a temporary river. They probably traveled quickly, which explains why they are not small, round and smooth now. This is mainstream science, and not some conspiracy theory.
We know that an ocean of fresh water erupted from ice-age Canada and ocean levels rose suddenly around the Bible’s time for Noah’s flood. We don’t know how high the water surged before it settled to the modern level, but the whole world was dramatically affected by the floods.
The Bible story talks about rain and also water from below “on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.” (Genesis 7:11)"
I commented:
The Bible describes several pole shifts in which the entire surface of the Earth moved over the core. One book the CIA recently partially declassified is Chan Thomas' The Adam and Eve Story, in which the author claims Noah's Flood stories are from the last pole shift, and the Adam and Eve story about having to leave Eden (their original homeland) was two pole shifts back. Arthur Custance, who may be the top expert on the most ancient versions of Genesis, concluded that the opening lines should be read as God re-creating a new world from the wreck and ruin of the former world. And in the Book of Revelation, we are told to expect a new Heaven and a new Earth. In ancient terms, this could just mean a new surface arrangement, with many constellations of stars falling out of view below the horizon as our position on the Earth changes. Of course civilization would be destroyed and most of us would die if a catastrophe like this happened today.
The Laurentide Ice Sheet covered Canada, and not Siberia, because the North Pole was in Hudson Bay, before moving 30 degrees to its current position, as the Americas moved south and Asia moved north. The world is full of pole shift evidence (I'm writing another book on it now) and the Bible is full of pole shift references, if you know what to look for...
Isaiah 24:1 "Behold, the Lord lays the earth waste, devastates it, distorts its surface and scatters its inhabitants." Job 9:5-6 "It is God who removes the mountains, they know not how, When He overturns them in His anger; Who shakes the earth out of its place, And its pillars tremble." Psalms 46:2 "though the earth should change And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea." Revelation 16:18-20 "there was a great earthquake, such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth, so great an earthquake was it, and so mighty... And the cities of the nations fell... and every island fled away, and the mountains were not found."