North Korea and Nuclear War
from an article at "Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in the first public acknowledgment by a senior administration official of direct contact on the matter... speaking to reporters on Saturday after meeting Chinese officials in Beijing, insisted that the U.S. would never accept a nuclear-armed North Korea." "...a few hours later, the State Department commented that...
"North Korean officials have shown no indication that they are interested in or are ready for talks regarding denuclearization."

And that, as Jim Rickards warns below, is why war is coming..." Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning, "...Critics of any effort to attack North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons program point to this extensive proliferation over 60 years as a reason not to risk war. According to these critics, the world has learned to live with eight nuclear powers. One more won’t matter. Deterrence works. North Korea knows that if it uses nuclear weapons, it will be subject to a nuclear attack by the U.S., and therefore it won’t use them. But this analysis is wrong on a number of levels. The U.S. began its nuclear program to end World War II. The U.K., French, Russian and Chinese nuclear programs were part of a Great Power dynamic in the Cold War that does not apply to lesser powers like North Korea. For the Great Powers, deterrence does work. Israel’s program is a response to an existential threat from the Arabs (four large wars and many smaller ones in less than 70 years) and Israel’s lack of strategic depth. India and Pakistan are mutually hostile and their weapons are aimed at each other, not at the west. North Korea is different because it continually threatens to use nuclear weapons on the U.S. and its allies, like Japan. Deterrence does not work on Kim Jong Un. The North Korean leader will be safe in his nuclear bombproof bunker. He does not care about his people. Kim’s threats involve actual nuclear missiles striking cities and a potential electromagnetic pulse weapon (EMP) detonated in the high atmosphere that produces a power surge that would destroy the U.S. power grid. All communications, cellphones, computers, bank ATMs, debit and credit cards, gas station pumps and lights would be disabled. U.S. civilization would last about three days before food and water were depleted and society descended into rival gangs of looters and vigilantes. That may sound paranoid or alarmist, but it’s not. It’s a legitimate possibility. This is why North Korea will not be allowed to have nuclear weapons. This is why war is coming." My focus on the fulfillment of end times prophecy concludes everything described by prophets centuries or millennia ago will happen in the early 21st century. In my most recent book on Nostradamus prophecies, I describe how the French seer described WWIII as an invasion of Europe from the Middle East and North Africa. America is unable to intervene at the start of the war - Europe is alone and unprepared to resist invasion. What would keep America out of the war? If The United States was already overwhelmed with other problems - war with North Korea, or even being busy with so much as a tensely renewed cold war with China and or Russia could tie America's hands behind its back. Economic collapse and social unrest could do it. An EMP knocking out the electric grid could do it.