Nostradamus Description of JFK Assassination Verified?
Did Nostradamus describe the JFK assassination over 400 years before it happened, including the following controversy and coverup about a second shooter?
"The ancient work will be accomplished, And from the roof evil ruin will fall on the great man: Being dead, they will accuse an innocent of the deed: The guilty one is hidden in the misty thicket." (Century 6, Quatrain 37)
Recently declassified CIA files reveal a second shooter fired from the front, through the windshield (which was rushed off and secretly replaced.) Such a shooter obviously had to be in front of the motorcade, and on ground level, not up in the book depository building where Oswald allegedly acted alone.
If Nostradamus seems to be proven correct more and more as history progresses, should we pay attention to the 27 years of war he describes (2001-2028) between the Islamic world and the West, years of conflict which gradually get worse until a nuclear WWIII and the Islamic Invasion of Europe occur?
Nostradamus' most common theme is the military invasion of Europe by an Islamic alliance of nations in the early 21st century.