Nostradamus' POLE SHIFT Warnings
Nostradamus prophecies offer multiple descriptions of a pole shift. Not the outrageous claims you see every new year's eve about his prophecies on the internet...

But Nostradamus does warn that “Libra abandons her Phaethon” (Libra is the balance, and Phaethon was Apollo’s son, who couldn’t handle his father’s sun-chariot when he took the reins for a day. Phaethon losing his balance and having the sun veer through the sky would be one sign of a pole shift happening.
In another warning Nostradamus wrote that at the end of time “the great translation will be made and it will be such that one will think the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement…”
Nostradamus also suggests that a pole shift will come at the end of WWIII when he warns: “After great trouble for humanity, a Greater one is prepared; the Great Mover renews the ages…”
For more in depth coverage of these topics read the books below. As of the time of this blog post, during the week commemorating the original 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001 (which probably started the 27 year period Nostradamus suggests will end in WWIII with Islam and the West (including China and Russia and Europe and America by 2028...) my Nostradamus book will temporarily be selling at a huge discount on Kindle. If you have any interest in my books, there is no better time to consider buying them.
Nostradamus And The Islamic Invasion Of Europe
Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced
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