Nostradamus Predictions for 2019?

As an author of several prophecy books including two on Nostradamus prophecies, and another on biblical and other prophetic clues that the world as we know it ends in 2019 - I will admit up front - I don't think Nostradamus clearly said anything specific for 2019.
Yes, I do think he saw some future events - but most are described very vaguely. The most impressive hits were the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 - which I think he nailed to the exact day - and the general theme of escalating war for 27 years between Islam in the East and Christianity in the West, probably from 2001-2028.

But other interpreters disagree - and suggest economic collapse, war, alien disclosure, the end of the Trump presidency,earthquakes and POLE SHIFT, and many other dramatic events in 2019. I do expect some of these things in 2019, and I do think Nostradamus wrote about many of these things (not all of them for 2019...) but without further commentary: