POLE SHIFT Ahead? "Earth’s magnetic field is acting up and geologists don’t know why"
The magnetic North Pole has been racing towards Russia in recent years. I believe we are already in the beginning of a magnetic pole shift, and that eventually the crust of the Earth will make a rapid, catastrophic move over the core to realign with the magnetic poles. When this POLE SHIFT occurs, civilization, and all life on the surface, suffers huge losses. Evidence suggests we are due for the next pole shift in the early 21st century. Most scientists say they don't know why this is happening - but I think many do know, and they just aren't publicizing the truth...
from the January 10 article at Nature.com
Earth’s magnetic field is acting up and geologists don’t know why
"Something strange is going on at the top of the world. Earth’s north magnetic pole has been skittering away from Canada and towards Siberia, driven by liquid iron sloshing within the planet’s core. The magnetic pole is moving so quickly that it has forced the world’s geomagnetism experts into a rare move.

On 15 January, they are set to update the World Magnetic Model, which describes the planet’s magnetic field and underlies all modern navigation, from the systems that steer ships at sea to Google Maps on smartphones.
The most recent version of the model came out in 2015 and was supposed to last until 2020 — but the magnetic field is changing so rapidly that researchers have to fix the model now. “The error is increasing all the time,” says Arnaud Chulliat, a geomagnetist at the University of Colorado Boulder and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA’s) National Centers for Environmental Information....
In 2018, the pole crossed the International Date Line into the Eastern Hemisphere. It is currently making a beeline for Siberia....
“The location of the north magnetic pole appears to be governed by two large-scale patches of magnetic field, one beneath Canada and one beneath Siberia,” Livermore says. “The Siberian patch is winning the competition.”

If the last POLE SHIFT some 12,000+ years ago was typical we can expect the Americas to move about 30 degrees south while Asia moves north. America may end up as little more than a myth, but people always survive somewhere - and hopefully there are secret preparations for people to survive with the technology needed to start over without reverting back to another Stone Age.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCT-HHBgJL8&w=815&h=509]