POLE SHIFT: What Do You Want to Know?
Some people wouldn't want to know if a global catastrophe like a POLE SHIFT is going to wipe out civilization soon. I would want to know if doom is imminent.
On a different level, when I'm interested in a topic, I would love to be able to discuss my questions with certain authors and get more details.
I'm wrapping up working on my upcoming book on pole shifts right now, and I just got the go ahead to write a magazine article about magnetic pole shifts (apparently already starting) vs. geophysical pole shifts (catastrophic crustal displacements.) A magnetic pole shift might be inconvenient, making GPS useless and allowing much more radiation through the atmosphere - but might not be an extinction level event. In a crustal displacement, the whole surface of the planet rapidly moves in one solid piece over the core, causing huge changes in latitude and altitude, with some lands wiped out by tsunamis or submerging more permanently below sea level... some formerly warm lands would get frozen and buried under the new ice caps... and civilization would be reduced to ruins.
So I'm asking you, what do you want to know? AMA - Ask Me Anything What topics would make you most interested in such a book? What evidence do you already know a little about, and what are you most interested in and wanting to know more about? What questions do you have on the topic? Should my subtitle and book cover emphasize anything in particular?
One book cover idea (rough version below) would focus on the idea that governments know all about a coming pole shift and want to keep it quiet:
Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced
I have also considered a cover that just shows the Earth in a new orientation after a pole shift, with no focus on silence or conspiracy... and titles like:
Pole Shift: Facts and Speculation from Geology to Nibiru
The Coming Pole Shift: Warnings and Prophecies from Atlantis to Nibiru
Please let me know your thoughts and questions; your answer may impact my upcoming article and book. Thank you!
David Montaigne
This is what I went with (and it is finally finished and available as of April 18, 2018)
POLE SHIFT: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced