Re-Writing the Real History on Germany’s Atomic Bombs
I was lucky to be invited into a conference call style presentation on Nazi Germany’s atomic bomb programs last night and was one of the first to log in.
If you’re interested in knowing how far the Germans (and Japanese) got in their atomic bomb programs, and how close the United States was to being the first to suffer from enemy atomic bombs, the books mentioned below are worth your time. Since the 1990s a lot of new information has come out which will eventually force the rewriting of official propaganda history.
In 2023, while researching my own recent book (Oppenheimer and Heisenberg) I had already cited material from both William J. Pellas, (author of books like The Japanese Bomb, By Way of Germany? and researcher for Robert Wilcox – whose books include Japan’s Secret War and one I just read recently: Target Patton: The Plot to Assassinate General George S. Patton)…. Pellas invited me and gave me access to the presentation, but I had also cited and obviously read much of Dr. Todd Rider’s 4,500 page book on Germany’s contributions to technology – Forgotten Creators – which covers far more than Germany’s atomic bombs. This was the first time I’ve seen one of Dr. Rider’s presentations. It was great – not only did I get to ask questions but I took a lot of notes for future books I intend to write.
Many of the topics we covered (evidence of Germany’s secret weapons programs, their breakthroughs on fission and fusion bombs, America Rockets, underground production facilities, uranium mining and processing, multiple heavy water facilities, atomic tests, secret deals, cooperation between Germany and Japan, Hans Kammler, etc.) were ones I knew a good deal about already and I just caught a few new leads here and there, but some other topics were brand new (and especially fascinating) to me. I look forward to more discussions with everyone listed above in the future.
For those who are interested in these topics, don’t ignore books like Carter Hydrick’s Critical Mass or Joseph Farrell’s Reich of the Black Sun – or my own recent book, which, in addition to the biographical insights on the scientists like Oppenheimer and Heisenberg, also covers evidence for Germany’s atomic bombs and how close they came to victory in WWII. What might shock Americans the most, however, are the overseas sources of American bomb components and the deals made to acquire them.
Oppenheimer and Heisenberg: Friends, Enemies and Architects of Destiny: Extended Version