Sepehr’s video make many excellent points – quoting Plato and many other sources you probably haven’t heard of before.
Diodorus Siculus (Diodorus of Sicily) was a Greek historian, best known for his Bibliotheca Historica – a 40-volume work covering the history of Mediterranean lands from the mythical prehistoric past to his own lifetime, around 60 BC. He wrote: “The Egyptians were strangers who in remote times settled on the banks of the Nile, bringing with them the civilization of their mother country, the art of writing, and a polished language. They had come from the direction of the setting sun and were the most ancient of men.” From this we can assume they are descended from a previous civilization far to the west. I found this, and many other topics Sepehr mentioned:
But I’m always interested in finding more evidence of pole shifts and very ancient civilizations that pre-date known history…. So although I haven’t read his books (yet) I bet Sepehr’s books (like Species with Amnesia) would compliment books on pole shift evidence.