SANTA or JESUS or SATAN? Who Are You Really Adoring This December?
We’ve all seen comparisons between SANTA and SATAN before; I’m not the first author to compile a list or make a video about it. Who can forget Dana Carvey’s “Church Lady” character’s take on the two characters’ similarities on Saturday Night Live…
But comedy aside, the similarities are impressive – it’s like someone worked hard to create a lovable, gift-giving, fictional character based on the devil and substitute him for Jesus Christ… Instead of focusing on Jesus or His messages of love and peace every December 25 – instead we are focused on material gifts and deceiving our children into believing in a lie about a character who doesn’t exist… Won’t they eventually figure out Santa doesn’t exist, and wonder if God and Jesus are real too? Is this designed to make us doubt that Satan exists?
As Kevin Spacey’s character said in the Usual Suspects:
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
Watch the video below, about this jolly OLD ELF and think about what you want your children to believe in.