South Africa's New President Wants To Confiscate Land From White Farmers & World Approves Since White = Evil
Authored by Simon Black via, and found HERE at Zerohedge
"If you’ve been following much international news, you’ve probably heard that, after literally years of scandal, abuse, and incompetence, South Africa’s president Jacob Zuma was finally forced to resign last week. This is a big deal for South Africa. The country has been suffering for nearly a decade under Zuma’s corruption. And people are certainly hoping that the new President, Cyril Ramaphosa, will represent a positive, new chapter for South Africa.
Yesterday Ramaphosa addressed the nation’s parliament in Cape Town and made clear that his priority is to heal the divisions and injustice of the past, going all the way back to the original European colonists in the 1600s taking land from the indigenous tribes. Ramaphosa called this “original sin”, and stated that he wants to see “the return of the land to the people from whom it was taken… to heal the divisions of the past.”
How does he plan on doing that? Confiscation. Specifically– confiscation without compensation. “The expropriation of land without compensation is envisaged as one of the measures that we will use to accelerate redistribution of land to black South Africans.” Ramaphosa minced no words: he’s talking about taking land from white farmers and giving it to black South Africans."
This move is racist and communist. As if two wrongs make a right, they will steal what land remains in the hands of white South Africans, and the rest of the world will turn a blind eye and allow it because: who cares about white people? If a country announced it was going to steal everything any other ethnic group owned, it would be an outrage. I predict silence.
The same New World Order puppetmasters who are intentionally destroying Europe with mass third world immigration without assimilation are probably the same crew about to sow more racism in South Africa while they follow the wonderful lead of their neighbor Zimbabwe, a nation that stole all the land from its white farmers some years ago, and quickly went from being the very productive breadbasket of Africa to an impoverished hellhole with world-record hyperinflation and millions of starving refugees who fled to South Africa.
Should we hope they reach their goal of WWIII sooner rather than later, or let them foment racism to a fevered pitch first and hope for the best?