Sweden Has Given Up - Swedish Police “Cannot Cope” With Huge Numbers of Rapes Since Migrants Arrived
"Sweden is telling their police to stand down" and not investigate migrants raping children. The supranational political elite is pressuring many European nations to simultaneously commit policies of national suicide to bring Europe down, and allow collapse and chaos and war for the NWO order to rise from the ashes. I know it sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory at first, but can you explain why so many European nations are hastening their own obvious destruction? My last book details the Nostradamus prophecies warning of the European neglect and negligence and apathy that will allow the Islamic conquest of much of Europe soon. Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars recently commented yet again on the socialist multicultural utopia of Sweden, where there are so many RAPES of children (like the 12 year old girl in this story) by immigrants that they don't even do anything, even when they know who did it:
"A journalist investigating the rape of a 12-year-old girl in Sweden was told that police have not even interviewed the prime suspect two months later because authorities “cannot cope” with the sheer volume of cases since Sweden opened its borders to mass immigration two years ago.
Back in July, the 12-year-old girl was dragged into a restroom by an older man in the center of Stenungsund before being beaten, raped and threatened with death.
Knowing the identity of the culprit, the girl’s mother immediately reported him to police, but authorities have yet to even interrogate the suspect two months later despite knowing his name and address.
According to journalist Joakim Lamotte, the girl is still being confronted and taunted by the rapist on the streets of Stenungsund."
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hmrbLIzLZs&w=854&h=480]
"When Lamotte contacted authorities, he was told that the case hasn’t been acted on because police “cannot cope with the workload” of having so many rape cases to investigate.
“Do you know how many rapes we have?” Lamotte was told by the police officer in a conversation he recorded and uploaded to YouTube.
“...I have his name, address, social security number and everything, and, I mean, you haven’t even interrogated him yet, isn’t that remarkable?” asked Lamotte.
“Well, you might think so, but we have so many similar issues and so few people available we cannot cope with the workload,” responded the police officer... We have 3-year-old children that get raped,” ...sounding clearly exasperated.
When asked if they were not able to prosecute rapists who molest 3-year-old children, the female officer responded, “Yes….these are the realities and it’s terribly regrettable. That’s all I can say about it.”
Rapes have skyrocketed in Sweden over recent years. Authorities have claimed that this is due to the definition of rape being changed, but the spike occurred long after the change was made. Sex crimes in the country have doubled since 2012. The most recently available statistics showed that immigrants were 5.5 times more likely to carry out sexual assaults.
...Earlier this year, Peter Springare, veteran police investigator and former deputy head of the division for serious crimes at the police in Örebro, made headlines after he wrote a Facebook post in which he detailed how the country was in “chaos” due to a never ending epidemic of serious crimes being committed by Muslim migrants.
We previously highlighted Joakim Lamotte’s work back in February when he investigated the brutal gang rape of a Swedish woman who was racially abused by a group of men in Gothenburg who live streamed the assault to Facebook.
When Lamotte attempted to get an update on the case from police in Gothenburg, he was told it was being treated as “aggravated rape” but that “no one even has begun working with the case yet”.
According to a concerned mother who first brought the video to the attention of police in Gothenburg, she was shocked to see that they were disinterested and “sat and ate cheetos” while being seemingly more bothered by her for reporting the incident."
Some people commented under the original article cited above:
"Apparently, there are no real men left in Sweden as they allow their own daughters to be raped..."
"Who's really to blame? The rapists, or the government that brought the rapists into the country knowing full well who and what they were? And continues to do so. (It's happening in all the Western countries by the way)"
I would say the odds are this is a conspiracy from above - there's no way so many national leaders would simultaneously adopt unpopular policies of national suicide. Someone who benefits from WWIII and the establishment of a NWO is probably behind this self-destruction...
"Why the Swedish people Aren't hunting down & executing their politicians is beyond me!"
"The political elite have turned Sweden into some sort of uncontrolled Zoo"
"Sweden is telling their police to stand down."
And it would probably be illegal to even discuss this in Sweden now...
Goodbye land of Vikings! I guess once a nation is too pussified to protect their daughters from invading rapists, they have long since forgotten where their balls are... and will probably just start praying facing Mecca when they are told to do so. Do once powerful European nations all go out with a whimper like this? Or will WWIII eventually FORCE a defensive reaction, as Nostradamus warns us?