A few hours ago AJ put out a new video on his WHY FILES Youtube channel called: Symbols of Power: Deciphering the Language of the Secret Elite. He talks a lot about secret societies that have been around for a long time trying to implement a new order of the ages. Many celebrities use various hand signs to show allegiance and to show they will continue to do what they're told to do and say:
While the politicians and celebrities you know of may make strange hand signs and say questionable things about changes needed for the future because they may be working to achieve the goals of such societies, many of them may not understand the core issue these ancient groups are concerned with: mankind's biggest problem as a species is the order of the ages we have been stuck in, with a civilization-ending pole shift catastrophe roughly every 12,000+ years. This is the half cycle (meaning it happens twice in every roughly 24,000+ year precession cycle) of the "Great Year." Randall Carlson notes that almost every major world-age-ending catastrophe for at least 100,000+ years has happened at the start of the zodiacal age of Leo, or at the opposite position of the cycle (where we are now) at the start of the age of Aquarius:
Leo, the lion with his mane, represents the sun and an extended corona and destruction by fire on Earth. Aquarius, the water bearer, represents destruction by tsunamis and floods. The elite wants to survive the soon to arrive pole shift destruction with technology, knowledge, and their power intact, and not die or have to start from scratch again in a new stone age.
While the order of the ages has some details up for debate, the basic idea involves a series of four ages of declining quality over a cycle of about 12,000 years: "These twelve thousand (years) which thus have been just mentioned as the total of four (human) ages, are called one age of the gods."(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuga_cycle, citing the Hindu text the Manusmriti)
The four ages (of unequal length) differ greatly in quality due to the varying strength of the cosmic and terrestrial magnetic fields. Our current iron age/Kali Yuga is believed to have started in 3102 B.C. and as best as I can tell will end *approximately* in the 2030s. (Many disagree on cycle length and end timing, but the leaders of the elite may have an exact date, and successfully confuse many truth-seekers with deceptive information.) When the Kali Yuga age or iron age ends, it will be the end of the "Great Year" as Plato and others have called it. Just after the pole shift magnetic fields are reset and revitalized and mankind experiences a new golden age when lifespans are much longer, our mental and spiritual connections to each other are strongest, empathy is high, crime is low, and our abilities and progress are strongest. It has been described as "connected to the divine."
Sadly the golden age gradually declines through silver (not as good, but still "heroic and noble") and bronze ages (characterized by a balance between good and evil, which clash more often as evil tendencies get stronger) into our current sorry state, the tail end of the "iron age" when the magnetic field is weak, affecting our brains and bodies in many ways leading to lowered mental and spiritual awareness and abilities, less empathy, more crime, and a generally horrific and mean way of life full of misery and suffering compared to the golden age. Misery and suffering intensify greatly in the final years of the age, often in the largest war in thousands of years. Hindu texts describe the last great war in the Mahabharata (clearly using atomic bombs and other advanced weapons) and we may see apocalyptic madness like WWIII just before the magnetic-reversal-induced pole shift ends the age.
"Kali Yuga, the Iron Age, is characterized by spiritual degeneration and moral decay. Known as the dark age, people are distant from the divine, leading to widespread chaos and vice. It parallels winter, symbolizing darkness and decline." (https://www.instagram.com/theviralhindu/p/C9_yn8golgh/)
There are organizations that have passed down their understanding of these cycles since the last great civilization many thousands of years ago. Their one great mission is to prepare for the upcoming pole shift and to bring their technology, resources, knowledge and power structure intact into the new golden age. Avoiding "being cast out of Eden" or enduring a restart in the stone age, and using technology to manipulate field strengths and maintain a perpetual golden age will be their "new order of the ages" and allow them to reach the top of the unfinished pyramid in their quest to become the new gods.
Ancient cultures usually described a great war and the overthrow of the gods (the existing cosmic order) that happens with a pole shift when survivors of any land are shifted to a new latitude and see different stars in the sky from their new position under heaven. In Greece they described the Titanomachy, the war when the pantheon of Olympian gods/stars led by Zeus overthrew the old pantheon of the Titans led by Chronos. In Norse mythology, the Aesir and Vanir fought the last war between pantheons of gods and in the future war of the gods (Ragnarok) the world will be devastated again, with the breaking of the world tree (axis) and a great splashing from the oceans as the gods die and the world ends. Death and resurrection of gods like Mithras or Osiris also symbolize the destruction and renewal of the world.
Maybe there is nothing wrong with wanting to use knowledge, wisdom and technology to become like more godlike, break the cycle, and survive such devastation intact. But the idea brings to mind transhumanism, the "Beyond Superman" philosophy of Nietzsche - and his idea that we don't need God anymore or that God is merely an outdated idea, now dead. That a "deal with the devil" can be made instead, leading to a technological paradise of our own making in which humans advance and evolve into a more godlike form of existence. Unfortunately for most of us, the elites don't want that paradise to be overcrowded. Most of us are expendable. The elite will save the few people that they want for the next world, but that list will be for at most a few million, not billions. It will take a long time for humanity to get back up to a population of hundreds of millions, as hinted at on the Georgia Guidestones:
You and I have no golden ticket ensuring our survival into the post pole shift golden age. So when someone like the World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab dresses like a sci-fi movie villain
wearing goofy clothes with strange symbols and he makes weird hand signs as he tells you what people need to do differently in the future - yes, it does have meaning. Take it as a warning.
Enough commentary from me - enjoy AJ's video.
Long Video, Shines Light Biblically and Historically on WHO Our Overlord, is and has been Since the Establishment of Admiral Law and the U.S.A became insolvent and became usa "inCorporation".
Timely Article, Insightful Video, Quoting Shake-sphere " The Whole World is a Stage (Deceived).
Drawing from so many Ancient Text/Scripts/Tablets as you have, as we should,
That the Movers and Shapers of this NWO, having Sworn their Oaths to the Order upon penalty of Death, choose Universal Spiritual Suicide, over Earthly Physical Death.
Me thinks that the Creatures who Crawl into their Den of Thieves before the Foundations Cut Loose, will look like the little Grey Creatures with Bulbous Eyes & 3 Digits, if and when they ever Exit those Dark Crevices they took refuse in......
Kudos 2 U, for illuminating Light on this Dark Mark on All American Souls, Decade upon Decades Casting their Spiritual Wickedness and Immorality via Entertainment, Religion $ News to Properly Meme us along the Wide Rhode to Hell.....