The Truth About Christopher Columbus
Monday (three days ago) was Columbus Day, and I now notice several articles commenting on "the truth" about Columbus.

The first category of "truth" often brought up about Columbus is that he brought European colonialism to the Americas and that Native Americans suffered immensely. The second is that he was probably Jewish. But the most controversial truth is that he didn't discover America. And I don't mean because other native people were already in America. I mean: ancient civilizations knew the world was round and knew about the Americas already since before the last catastrophic POLE SHIFT ended a great global civilization almost 13,000 years ago. Ancient maps of the Americas were copied and used in the Age of Exploration - ancient maps found in Alexandria and Constantinople and Jerusalem and Rome made many thousands of years ago. In the 13th century the Knights Templar knew about the New World from discoveries they had made in the Middle East. They called the land of the West "L'merica" - pronouncing the "R" as an "H" and almost exactly like the natives they undoubtedly spoke to - the "Mexica" - would have pronounced it. The Turkish (Admiral) Piri Re'is - most famous for his amazing map - claimed he based his map of the America's on ancient source maps from thousands of years ago. Egyptian mummies almost always show traces of nicotine and cocaine - native to the Americas. Columbus himself said in his journal a few days before making landfall and "discovering" America in October 1492: that it should be in this location based on the mappa mundi (map of the world) he had in his possession. He probably had one based on a projection like the Piri Re'is map, centered on Egypt, and distorting the "traditional" orientation (with just one "North" on the map) which is why - for example - Cuba would have looked vertical and Columbus would have "guessed" so poorly judging latitude...

(Notice the northern coast of Antarctica - with accurate depictions of sub-glacial features like mountain ranges and river valleys - long before that continent was "discovered.") How I wish more native American knowledge of the previous civilization from before the last pole shift had not been destroyed by the Spanish...

(Above: Maya Temple frieze at Tikal depicting the destruction of their ancient homeland: Atzlan - with temples collapsing, people drowning in the flood, and volcanoes erupting.)
As mentioned earlier, Columbus was probably of Jewish origin. "Luis de Santangel. [A Jewish 'converso'] emerged as particularly vital to Columbus’s expedition. Chancellor of King Fernando’s household, comptroller‑general of Aragon, and an immensely wealthy tax‑farmer on his own account, Santangel was in a unique position to exert influence at court. Personally, he favored Columbus’s Atlantic venture and recommended it to his ruler." Jews had very recently been told to convert to Catholicism or leave Spain and he may have done both. Proponents of the theory point to a variety of known details about the famous explorer, particularly his choice to set sail for the New World on August 2, 1492, the exact date ordained for the expulsion of Jews from Spain. "The Spanish name, Colon, was a not uncommon one in Hebrew tradition; his father was a weaver, one of the few trades open to Jews in his native Genoa; his mother, Susanna Fonterossa, was the daughter of Jacobo Fonterossa and granddaughter of Abraham Fonterossa [also common Jewish names].
Columbus selected many Jews and conversos—Jews forced to convert to Catholicism to escape persecution—as astrologers, navigators, and translators in his crew. Another part of "the truth" about Columbus emphasizes that as a European conqueror and colonizer he was an evil destroyer of the native cultures of the New World, raping and pillaging and murdering. While the Left would love to point out horrible acts by Europeans against natives, including stealing their land and killing them - this was not the fault of Columbus alone, it was pervasive in Spanish culture, European culture, Middle Eastern culture, Asian and African culture.... I will blame the Spanish Inquisition for destroying the books of the Maya and Inca and Aztec peoples as works of the devil. I will blame greedy kings from any land and era for their need to conquer, enslave, kill, and steal. (Message to the Leftists: this trend has existed for thousands of years and all the blame for human nature should not go to Europeans since 1492.) In fact part of the zeal Columbus and the Inquisition had to conquer the world for Christendom stemmed from the Muslim persecution of Christians in Spain, which lasted for almost 800 years and only ended in... early 1492 - when the Spanish armies of Ferdinand and Isabella finally defeated the last of Spain's Moorish invaders, ended the Muslim Kingdom of Grenada, and sent their Islamic oppressors back across the sea to North Africa. Sadly for Europeans, they are doing the opposite today, purposefully encouraging millions of Muslims from North Africa and the Middle East into Western Europe to permanently enjoy what were meant as temporary social welfare benefits for native citizens suffering temporary setbacks. Soon the wave of immigration will probably overwhelm and bankrupt the entire European system, and wars will follow in the aftermath. Nostradamus described the current prelude to WWIII's Islamic Invasion of Europe as apathy, negligence, neglect, and opening a path to Mohammad. The Spanish who had fought so hard to rid Western Europe of Islam up until 1492 would cry if they saw their descendants joyously giving it all back... Quoting from a recent article I found at the Counterjihadreport blog:
"As we celebrate Columbus Day — for those of us still inoculated enough against cultural relativist depravity to do so — it is also worth recapturing concretely the specific late 15th century religious motivations for Columbus’ voyage. Simply put, Columbus sought “eastern (even far eastern) alliances” to end a millennium of Islam’s jihad-imposed tyranny against Christendom. Louis Bertrand’s scholarly 1934 tome, The History of Spain, elegantly — and un-apologetically — characterized the now well-nigh forgotten, or ignored, historical context.
When the Spanish Christian monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella recaptured Granada on January 2, 1492, they ended almost eight centuries of jihad ravages (described by Bertrand in 1934, and in 2016 here) — massacres, pillage, mass enslavement, and deportation — and the grinding imposition of Sharia by Spain’s various pious Muslim conquerors, and rulers. Bertrand’s unsparing narrative describes the bitter, chronic fate of Spain’s Christians under Islam, both those fully subjugated and the populations never entirely subdued in the semi-autonomous northern regions:
To keep the Christians in their place it did not suffice to surround them with a zone of famine and devastation. It was necessary also to go and sew terror and massacre among them. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, an army sallied forth from Cordova to go and raid the Christians, destroy their villages, their fortified posts, their monasteries and their churches, except when it was a question of expeditions of larger scope, involving sieges and pitched battles. In cases of simply punitive expeditions, the soldiers of the Caliph confined themselves to destroying harvests and cutting down trees. Most of the time they took the field to win booty. A district was allowed to re-people itself and be brought under cultivation; then it was suddenly fallen upon. Workers, harvesters, fruits and cattle were seized.
The religious Islamic jihad motivations for this devastation, and related “pious,” sadistic savagery of their triumphal execution, were underscored by Bertrand:
If one bears in mind that this brigandage was almost continual, and that this fury of destruction and extermination was regarded as a work of piety — it was a holy war against the infidels — it is not surprising that whole regions of Spain should have been made irremediably sterile. This was one of the capital causes of the deforestation from which the [Iberian] Peninsula still suffers. With what savage satisfaction and in what pious accents do the Arab annalists tell us of those at least bi-annual raids!
A typical phrase for praising the devotion of a Caliph is this: “he penetrated into Christian territory, where he wrought devastation, devoted himself to pillage, and took prisoners. After that he brought the Musulmans back to Cordova safe and sound and laden with booty.” Abd er Rhaman [r. 912-961 A.D.], in the course of a campaign in Navarre, “did not fail, whenever a Christian retreat was to be found in the neighborhood, to carry destruction there and deliver the surrounding countryside to incendiarism, so that the Christian territory was ravaged by the flames to an extent often square miles.”
With eight centuries of Muslim oppression burned into the land and the minds of the Spanish Christians - almost a thousand years of fear that was finally just ended a few MONTHS before Columbus' voyage, perhaps in that context we can better understand why the Spanish wanted to expand and enrich and protect Christendom. Not that one wrong corrects another. Not that I'm defending atrocities in the Americas which were criminal and undeserved and destroyed most of the rich and ancient cultures I have studied the scant remains of to determine the ancient American views on great periodic cosmic cycles that cause catastrophic Pole Shifts on Earth...
End Times to 2019: The End of the Mayan Calendar and the Countdown to Judgment Day
Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced
Nostradamus And The Islamic Invasion Of Europe
[gallery ids="16568,16328,17155" type="rectangular"] But Columbus was no monster: [youtube]