This Does Not Bode Well For Ukraine
As if the 100,000 plus Russian troops massed outside the eastern, northern, and southern

borders of Ukraine aren't bad enough, the Ukrainians have allies - remember: "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" - at least for a while, until they might become your enemy...
But it is not the Russian forces that get my attention today.
I found this at London's THE TIMES notes: "Islamist Chechen fighters who honed their combat skills at Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) training camps are at war against Ukrainian rebels"
"Islamist Chechens were under the command of the fascist “Right Sector” and were there to “fight Russians” because “we like fighting Russians” and “will never stop fighting Russians.”
So Ukraine, formerly a Soviet Republic and intimately historically tied to Russia, wants to be independent. As Ukraine is surrounded by the Russian Army (Dave's prediction: Russia will eventually invade at least eastern Ukraine and America and Europe will do NOTHING) Islamic fighters aim to "help" Ukraine against Russia.
I expect WWIII in Europe in the not too distant future. Nostradamus predicted an Islamic invasion of Europe (he wrote mostly about the front in Western Europe) and that Russians and Muslim armies would be fighting along the Boristhenes River (Latin for the Dnieper River) part of his Quatrain 3:95 says:
"The Moorish law shall be on decline, After it, another one more seducing, Boristhenes (Dnieper) shall be the first to fall"
Time will tell if WWIII plays out as I interpret Nostradamus...

P.S. Strange that the post above on Ukraine is what got this tabloid talking about me: