Thoughts on the Reality of the Left

The Left is evil. Just look at their goals and tactics. With a reasonable analysis we conclude their goal is to destroy everything good about Western Civilization. With a religious perspective, we might even bring certain sources of evil into the mix...
The Pesky Truth blog recently had a post on:
A Few Thoughts on the Reality of the Left
"The following commentary was written by one of Crawfish’ acquaintances, Robbie Lee Allen, and she absolute nails the lefties on the direction they’d take our country and why we can never let our guard down.
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I’ve been writing a lot lately about CENSORSHIP since I get banned at least twenty days or more now out of every month I post on Facebook. We’ve seen CEO of FB, Mark Zuckerberg, speak in front of House Congressional committees through televised hearings, and LIE his ass off when asked about the censoring of conservative voices and various sites on his website: perfect example was when he was asked about the permanent banning of popular Conservative ladies, Diamond & Silk. He pretended to have no knowledge of any discrimination.
We also are aware of the FAKE NEWS and fake profiles that populate FB, attempting to spin the truth and influence us. The mass media or known as the main-stream-media now, MSM, outside of very few exceptions, have become OPINION-BASED rather than fact-based sources of daily events reporting.
After extensive research, it seems this has been evolving for decades as the LEFT basically CONTROLS EVERYTHING we see on television, movies and read in magazines. We as Americans have been being groomed for the eventual SOCIALIST-COMMUNIST declaration and TAKE-OVER as the LEFT slides more & more in that direction; first on the down-low, at least under the pretense of being what we have known as the Democratic Party, but recently it has blatantly become this party’s platform. Look no further than the new Democratic ‘it girl,’ Cortez, from New York, a 28-year-old upstart that screams SOCIALISM.
How the Left has ensnared many already is what we as conservatives see as a REVERSAL of moral values. This is a common tactic of the Left to deconstruct what was once viewed as EVIL or just plain wrong, and recast it in a language that makes it sound good, then accuse opponents or the opposition (us) of being against what is now recast as ‘RIGHT;’ just like ANTIFA who are the real fascists regard TRUMP SUPPORTERS as today’s fascists or/and Nazis. To further cement this falsehood, the MSM, controlled by the Left, does us no favors by perpetuating these fairy tales.
Because of misinformation and censorship, a list of ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS has been drawn up for today’s Americans to adhere to in order to believe they are ‘decent’ & ‘caring’ people, in which they must abandon their old value system and comply with the more ‘PROGRESSIVE’ ideas as exemplified below:
1) renounce the sovereignty of our country. 2) accept illegal immigration across the Mexican border. 3) allow instant citizenship to illegal migrants. 4) condone Islamic jihad & accept Shari’a law. 5) tolerate the vilification of our police officers. 6) allow exposing ourselves to foreign terrorists. 7) accept the export of American jobs to other countries. Eight) denounce people of white skin. 9) denigrate America’s heritage & remove its symbols. 10) reject the nature & reality of male & female genders. 11) REJECT FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

I am saddened by the thought that at least half of the population of the world’s brightest, strongest and best nation have been exploited by the mercenary LEFT and unethical main-stream-media. Yet within the same thought formation, I am still filled with pride and HOPE because we have a President, DONALD J TRUMP, who by his own words and actions, has demonstrated his determination to NEVER allow the Left to fulfill its plan to suppress our Freedom of Speech, nullify our Constitution, and ultimately eradicate our nation as we know it and how our Founding Fathers meant it to be always.
She really knocked it out of the park on the reversal of morals and her list of progressive ideas, because that’s where they’re trying to take us. It defies logic to think that these people who are supposedly educated, continue to want socialism, knowing that it hasn’t worked. Ever.
Kudos to you, Robbie, great commentary."
Thank you Kathy and Robbie!
I loved that post, and commented below it: "When you really look at what the Left wants to implement, and the tactics they are willing to use, you can only conclude that LEFTISM is EVIL. The Right is imperfect, but it seems heavenly compared to the Left. Look no further than their tactical guide on swaying voters Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

which is dedicated to "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that at least he won his own kingdom - Lucifer."
This is the book Obama adopted as his own guide, not "their book" (which is how he referred to the Bible in his own books... Then again we know what Obama wants to achieve - in my opinion the downfall of America and the West at a minimum, the rise of Islam and Communism, and quite possibly only to foment chaos and war because...