Top Economic Forecaster Martin Armstrong Warns: Pole Shift is Coming?
I have been expecting economic collapse for many years. Western (Keynesian) economics has been founded on the debt-based nonsense from the ideas presented by John Maynard Keynes in his 1936 book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Keynes felt that government intervention is the savior of irrational capitalists, whose shifting sentiments cause ups and downs in the economic cycle that can be smoothed out by more or less inflation controlled from above.
When the huge flaws of this system were pointed out to Keynes (such as the fact that it punishes savers with ever-increasing money supply inflation and government debt which can NEVER be paid back - because we MUST borrow more newly created money from the privately owned Federal Reserve to have more money to pay interest on the previously borrowed money) - and that eventually, faith will be lost in the entire criminal enterprise and the perceived value of dollars, which are essentially I.O.U. s printed on worthless paper and backed only by faith in the U.S. Government (faith which can be lost someday) Keynes gave the famous observation:
“In the long run we are all dead.”
In essence, Keynes, and almost all western economists working in the current fraudulent money system based on debt, were saying: our fraudulent system of control makes huge profits for the puppetmasters and it works for the world in the short term - for decades, maybe our whole lives, so who cares about the 21st century's problems?
I like the Austrian School of Economics, in which government's role is minimal and market forces are the sum of individual (and largely logical and productive) decisions. I like Martin Armstrong as an economic forecaster.
But when I look Armstrong up for commentary, I expect to see articles about economic trends, and the eventual coming crash. This seems like an unavoidable future event just based on money and economics - without even considering that it is predicted by end times Bible prophecy just before a horrific final war with the enemies of Christianity and the Great Tribulation and the end of the world as we know it - replaced with "a new heavens and a new earth" after a pole shift.
What I don't expect to find looking up economists like Armstrong is POLE SHIFT commentary. Yet a few days ago he wrote this article:
Is Nature Preparing for a New Ice Age or a Pole Shift?
"There is a very curious connection between lakes and volcanos in the Arctic. I just posted how there are kilotons of CO2 coming out of volcanos. There is a similar thing now showing up in lakes in the Arctic as well. There are about 300 lakes across the tundras of the Arctic. However, a scientist reports that she has never before ever seen a lake like this one. The lake looks like it is boiling. It is making a hissing sound and bubbles are rising to the surface like a pot of water which is on the stove. It is actually producing powerful greenhouse gas called methane that Europe is taxing farmers for because their cows produce it. Who should we tax for this one? Methane gas has escaped from the lake bed and the bubbles are as big as a grapefruit.
There has been a rise in volcanic activity under the ice caps at both the North and South Poles. Nobody knows if this is a prelude to a pole shift or is this simply a foreshadow of climate change and entering into a new ice age. What we do know is that melting ice does not result in rising sea levels, it results in the water evaporating and it comes back as snow which then increases the glaciers once again. The danger is that this entire Global Warming nonsense is ignoring how ice ages are even created!"
[By the way, "Ice Ages" are always in effect somewhere. There is one in Antarctica now because it is located at the pole. Until 13,000 years ago North America had an "ice age" when the North Pole was at the west edge of Hudson Bay. That is why New York was under a mile of ice while Siberia was warm and covered with lush vegetation that fed huge herds of animals like mammoths that we now find well-preserved, suddenly frozen in the ice that overcame them one summer day while they chewed on buttercups and other flowers that remain un-chewed in their mouths and undigested in their stomachs and indicate a sudden freeze during summer flowering.] This is some of the clearest evidence of a sudden catastrophic pole shift.
It turns out that Martin Armstrong has not focused his calculations solely on economics but has also decided that there is a political agenda to lie to us about climate change. In January he wrote at his blog:
“Climate is changing and it is part of the normal cycle – not human-induced. You are actually correct that I support capitalism and freedom and am against authoritarianism and totalitarian systems. What you fail to understand is that climate change is an agenda to eliminate your freedom. The entire argument is to support a move toward an authoritarian state. [And massive depopulation.] You better wake up. This is not truly about the climate change, it is all about controlling society, eliminating democracy, and changing the entire economic model that changes society. There is far more at stake here than most people realize.”
“It’s a well-kept secret, but 95 per cent of the climate models we are told prove the link between human CO2 emissions and catastrophic global warming have been found, after nearly two decades of temperature stasis, to be in error. It’s not surprising.”
"All climate studies agree that if the one-degree global warming was produced by an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the additional CO2 first warms the atmosphere, and the warmed atmosphere, in turn, warms the earth’s surface. However, measurements of atmospheric temperatures made by instruments lofted in satellites and balloons show that no warming has occurred in the atmosphere in the last 50 years. This is just the period in which human made carbon dioxide has been pouring into the atmosphere and according to the climate studies, the resultant atmospheric warming should be clearly evident.
The absence of atmospheric warming proves that the warming of the earth’s surface observed in the last 100 years cannot be due to an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere caused by human activities. The recent global warming must be the result of natural factors in climate change.”
And those natural factors warming the Earth must come from INSIDE THE EARTH, since the surface temperatures are rising while atmospheric temperatures are not. Armstrong doesn't take the next step and suggest that there may already be a small but increasing movement between layers in the Earth, generating friction and heat... But he does feel strongly enough to ask: is this a sign of a pole shift coming?