Video: 2019 Rapture Alignment
In this video,
Most Logical 2019 Rapture Alignment!
End Time Dream & Vision channel on Youtube argues for the fulfillment of biblical end times prophecies at the end of a generation of 70-80 years after the creation of the nation of Israel in 1948, as Christ's comments on the "fig tree" suggest.
FWIW, I agree that if we are going to take Bible prophecy seriously, then the people who saw this event in 1948 are supposed to see the end. When I wrote End Times and 2019 I pointed out all the clues pointing to Hanukkah (December 21-28) 2019 - noting that many prophetic descriptions of future skies match the real positions of the planets and stars (and sun and moon) as they move in a way that acts out all the major steps of an ancient Jewish wedding ceremony that week - including a very precise eclipse that fulfills Isaiah 13:10 "the sun will be dark when it rises" when a total solar eclipse visible from Jerusalem at sunrise ALSO gives us the diamond ring effect showing the solar corona around the moon... right when the groom should be giving the bride the ring in the celestial wedding... Many clues suggest a Judgment Day Pole Shift December 28, 2019.
I'll be the first to admit, we are not in an obvious 7 year tribulation right now, so my perception of events that are supposed to happen first would need to be wrong for everything to end in 2019. On the other hand Nostradamus described a 27 year escalation of conflict between Islam and Christianity ending in WWIII and a POLE SHIFT - that could be 2001-2028. FWIW Nostradamus says the pole shift will happen in the month of October. But his 27 years could even be 2019-2046, when Douglas Vogt calculated there will be the end of a grand solar cycle of over 12000 years (10/16/2046) that will cause a catastrophic pole shift. That would tie all of these together.
Time will tell.