Video: Paul Begley Says Prophecy Alert: “Solar Eclipse Over Mecca” December 26, 2019 Sign Of End Times” - Jerusalem Too!
Even the makers of the "I, Pet Goat" video noted the prophetic significance of this eclipse.

Pastor Paul Begley recently posted a video pointing out that on December 26, 2019 - much of the Muslim world will be able to see a near-total solar eclipse from Mecca to Indonesia. But from an end times prophecy perspective, I think it is far more important that it will be visible from Jerusalem at sunrise!
I commented under his video:
This eclipse (visible from Jerusalem at sunrise) fulfills Isaiah 13:10 "the sun will be dark when it rises." The corona represents the Sun (Christ) giving the ring to Earth (the bride) amidst other astronomical movements acting out all major steps of an ancient Jewish wedding during Hanukkah 2019! Watch December 21-28 & read: End Times and 2019 -

(Skip ahead about 4 minutes to avoid his plugging products like I'm plugging my books.)